Picture: © Chris Lanaway, 2010.
In 2023 the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit celebrates its 15th anniversary.
Picture: © Chris Lanaway, 2010.


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World Exclusive: Ig has been found!

Iggy pop-art
Iggy pop-artish, by Felix Atagong.

Yesterday (5th of February 2010) Mark Blake (Pigs Might Fly, Mojo Magazine) messaged the Reverend with the following cryptic message:

We've received a very interesting letter about the elusive Iggy.
Wanted you to be the first to know!
More news to follow.

Of course the Church immediately contacted the journalist and this is what the Church is allowed to disclose today:

An old acquaintance of Iggy's emailed (Mojo magazine) and shared some info.
She is alive and well and living in southern England.
She has chosen to remain anonymous all these years.

More information will probably be published in the next issue(s) of Mojo and, of course, the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit.

(Many thanks to Mark Blake who we are eternally thankful for breaking the news to the Church.)


Iggy’s first interview in 40 years

Iggy by Anthone Stern
Iggy by Anthony Stern.

Last week The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit published the incredible news that Iggy had been traced back. This was a world exclusive as no other news medium had reported this before.

The news that Iggy had been found was, unfortunately, also all there was to say. Although discreet investigations were done it was soon made clear that she wanted to stay anonymous and that she didn’t want to blow her cover. A short interview was out of the question, even for Mojo magazine and Mark Blake who triggered these latest events.

The Reverend is by all means not a souvenir collector who wanted to ring at her bell like all those true fans used to do at Syd Barrett’s door and her wish to be left in peace was immediately and unconditionally granted.

In September 2008 The Croydon Guardian published an article about Iggy after the Church had contacted the newspaper to get more information about The Orchid dancehall in Purley: Where did she go?  This article unearthed some unpublished pictures by Anthony Stern that were later shown at The City Wakes festival in Cambridge and was also mentioned in the March issue of Mojo.

Kirsty Whalley, the journalist who brought us the first Iggy article in The Croydon Guardian, has now managed to interview Iggy, an interview that can be found in today’s issue of this newspaper.

When Mick turned up to take the photos I helped paint the floor boards for the shoot, I was covered in paint, I still remember the smell of it.

The Church will not publish the entire interview in its columns - for at least a week - as it can be consulted at the following websites:
Croydon Guardian Tracks Down Elusive Rock Star Muse (The Croydon Guardian)
Croydon Guardian Tracks Down Elusive Rock Star Muse (This Local London)

In the next weeks however the Church will scrutinize the interview, and comments will be added where appropriate. For the moment all we wish to say is hip hip hurray to Kirsty Whalley!


All about Evelyn

Mojo 197 (April 2010)
Mojo 197 (April 2010).

Nothing is so stupid as New Year resolutions, especially when you read them when the katzenjammer is over. On the second of January of 2010 the Reverend uttered the fear that the Church would soon disappear by lack of Iggy. If this meant one single thing it is that the Reverend is by no means a reliable prophet.

The March edition of the music magazine Mojo, that mysteriously appeared in January 2010, had a 14 pages cover story about the Syd Barrett album The Madcap Laughs that was finally released in January 1970 after nearly twenty months of tinkering. Its main article I'm Not Here (Pat Gilbert) gave the portrait of the artist as a young man and his struggle to get his first solo album done. A small insert Who's That Girl (Mark Blake) tried to reveal some of the mysteries around Iggy The Eskimo, but to no avail (more questions were raised then answered, see: (I've got my) Mojo (working...). Last, but not least, In My Room (Paul Drummond) gave some background information about The Madcap Laughs photo shoot, interviewing Duggie Fields, Storm Thorgerson, inevitably Mick Rock and en passant citing Jenny Spires and the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit (but not in so many words, see Goofer Dust [(I've got my) Mojo (working)... Part 2] .

(For your information: the complete Mojo article can could be downloaded quite legally and for free at the official Syd Barrett website: direct link to the scanned pdf document, hosted since 2016 at the Church.)

It needs to be said that the Mojo article achieved in two week time what the Church couldn't achieve in two years: finding Iggy. On the 6th of February 2010 it was revealed that she was alive and well and living in southern England and although this news was covered by the Church the scoop arrived, noblesse oblige, at the Mojo offices in a letter from an acquaintance of her: Peter Brown (not the Pete[r] Brown from Cream and Piblokto fame).

Part of this letter has been published in issue 197 (April) and goes like this:

Peter Brown letter in Mojo 197
Peter Brown letter in Mojo 197.
One woman,
with many faces
Re Iggy’s whereabouts, I can enlighten you a little on her post-Madcap life. I first met Iggy - her real name was Evelyn - in the early ’70s, when she arrived from the King’s Road to the house where I lived in Brighton with a miscellany of artists and eccentrics.
I spent a lot of time with Iggy including nights ‘on the town’. She was a loose cannon, absolutely stunning, and fab company I soon discovered that it was none other than Iggy gracing my copy of The Madcap Laughs, and told her that Syd had been a peer of mine in Cambridge. I also knew Jenny Spires (who introduced Iggy to Syd), and saw Pink Floyd at various venues. I spent an evening with Syd once and we walked back together to our respective homes near Cherry Hinton in stoned stupor.
In the mid ’80s I learned that Iggy was living in Sussex and working at a racing stables, where she married a farmhand. She’s since kept her whereabouts quiet, though a friend at the stables, who I spoke to recently informs me of Iggy’s low-key flamboyance in the area. There are a wealth of other stories, but brevity forbids!

Next to Brown aka Thongman, Jenny Spires decided to comment as well:

Jenny Spires letter in Mojo 197
Jenny Spires letter in Mojo 197.
I struggle,
you collaborate
I’ve read your Syd article and there are two or three things to correct. First, I met Iggy [the Eskimo] in 1966, not 1969 as stated. Also, the floor was painted as soon as Syd moved into Wetherby Mansions, and was already done when I was there. Part of it, under the bed, wasn’t finished, but was done by the time I left in early 1969. I don’t think it was painted with a photoshoot in mind. Also, in the larger photo, the daffodils look quite fresh, but in the photo used for the cover they are dead. This seems to suggest that that photo was done a couple of weeks later?
With reference to Mandrax - there were no Mandrax in the flat at this stage. These came later, around early summer. This is not to say Syd had never had Mandrax, but they weren’t readily available to him at that time.

It seems now that there is enough material left for the Church to go on with its mission for the next lustrum. So keep watching this space and remember, don't do anything that Iggy wouldn't have done.

The Reverend wants to thank Mojo for donating a copy of the April issue to the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit. Thanks guys!


Iggy’s second interview in 40 years

Mojo 207
Mojo 207.

Happy New Year, children of the revolution! What a long strange trip 2010 has been. The first half of it showed the Church's biggest parade, with plenty of clowns and jugglers and a couple of anoraky world exclusive Barrett-scattering things.

Our solar, solitary, solstice, soloist star, fallen from the black sky (to paraphrase French historian and poet Dr. Denis Combet) was discovered by the team of Mojo magazine early 2010. The Church retaliated with Gretta Barclay's first (and only) interview in 4 decades, an extensive study of Welsh folk legend Meic Stevens' meetings with Syd Barrett in the early Seventies and a couple of articles about The Cromwellian club and casino, including some anecdotes from Rod Harrod, the man who practically launched Jimi Hendrix's career.

Those exhilarating things inevitably lead to the Church's petite mort, a period of melancholy and transcendence, for the second half of 2010. But this was just a temporarily breakdown. Several findings of the Church were quoted in the most recent Syd Barrett biography by Julian Palacios, the Reverend has just been granted his first interview (to appear [hopefully] on a Spanish Barrett blog) and in November agent provocateur Mark Blake let the Church know that Evelyn (Iggy) had agreed on an interview for Mojo magazine. On top of that Ig, our Ig, send the Church a lovely note that mellowed the Reverend’s heart. 2011 promises to be great.

Iggy The Eskimo! Found!
Iggy The Eskimo! Found!

The February issue from Mojo (# 207) - OUT NOW – contains Mark Blake's much expected Iggy interview. As is our habit the Church will not publish the article as long as the magazine is for sale in the shops. So why are you still reading this blog then? Open those Xmas and New Year envelopes, jump on that bike with the basket and the bell that rings, and hurry up to the shop!

Only after you have bought, borrowed or stolen (the Reverend will forgive but not visit you in prison!) Mojo 207 and read the article you are allowed to come back at the Church where additional bits and pieces may (or may not) be revealed the following weeks. According to someone who knows there is 'a wealth of other interview material' that didn't make it into printed matter but that might see the light of day on several places of the metaverse. Some day. Perhaps.

Mojo: mysterious comment.
Mojo: mysterious comment.

PS: The Mojo website has got a strange anonymous cryptic comment, posted the 2nd of January at 04:46PM. It goes 'love you mark blake thank you for being [actually: bèing] so real hang in there felix atagong'.

The Church may happen to believe to know from whom it has arrived.

Still looking for a Xmas present: Mark Blake has just written a pretty good Queen biography: Is This The Real Life? The Untold Story Of Queen, Aurum Press Ltd.
ISBN: 9781845135973
(The Church is not affiliated with or endorsed by this company.)


Iggy Rose Radio Interview

Dazed Radio
Dazed Radio.

Iggy Rose enters the pantheon of Jenny Spires and Libby Gausden!

An Iggy Rose radio interview was diffused on Monday night, the 25th of May at 10 PM EST at Nikki Palomino's (talk) radio show Dazed Radio on Whatever 68. As for UK based people it was already Tuesday 26th at 3 o’clock in the morning, and 4 AM for those in Western Europe, we had to wait for an archived version.

The complete radio show, one hour and a half, with several guests has been hosted at Nikki Palomino's Mixcloud page: Dazed Radio Show Recorded Live 5.25.15.

A condensed version (37 minutes) with only the Iggy parts has been hosted on the Reverend's Soundcloud spot:

Direct link for troubled browsers: Dazed Radio Show (condensed) 5.25.15.

Quoting one of the listener's who told the Church:

Iggy sounds great, her voice is so warm, not at all what I expected her to sound like, for some reason. I can imagine a conversation with her would be such fun.

We can only say it is.

Many thanks to: Nikki Palomino.
♥ Iggy ♥ Libby ♥


Iggy Rose in Cambridge

Iggy Rose by Vic Singh
Iggy Rose by the legendary Vic Singh.

The second weekend of June has the second Cambridge biennial Birdie Hop meeting, with special guest stars: Viv Brans, Vic Singh, Peter Gilmour, Men On The Border, Jenny Spires, Warren Dosanjh, Libby Gausden, Dave 'Dean' Parker & Iggy Rose (and some more).

Unfortunately the Facebook group for this event has been closed for prying eyes, but some pictures and videos have already leaked out.

Iggy Rose and Goran Nystrom
Iggy Rose, in great shape, & Göran Nyström from Men on the Border.

Pictures and videos will be regularly uploaded to the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit Tumblr page, as soon as the Holy Igquisiton gets hold of them.

Iggy Rose admiring a record cover
Iggy Rose admiring a record cover. Picture: Mick Brown.

For the latest (public) pictures and videos of the 2015 Birdie Hop event, please check: http://iggyinuit.tumblr.com/tagged/june-2015.
Our review of the first Birdie Hop meeting in 2013: Birdie Hop: wasn't it the most amazing meeting? 

Many thanks to: Sandra Blickem, Mick Brown, Warren Dosanjh, Vanessa Flores, Tim Greenhall, Alex Hoffmann, Antonio Jesus (Solo En Las Nubes), Douglas Milne, Göran Nyström (Men On The Border), Vic Singh, Abigail Thomson-Smith, Eva Wijkniet...
♥ Iggy ♥ Libby ♥


Iggy - another festival, another look

Festival of the Flower Children
Festival of the Flower Children.

The Church closed its door at the end of March 2015, but promised to keep an eye open for all things relatively Syd-and-Iggy-related. Obviously serendipity meant that, from that moment on, Syd-and-Iggy related matters would regularly smash against the Church's closed windows at the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow, making this one of our busier seasons.

Iggy Rose was a guest on American Dazed (talk) Radio, her first radio-interview ever. The condensed version still is 47 minutes but what an intense 47 minutes they are: Iggy Rose Radio Interview.

In June Iggy was invited to the biennial, second and probably last Birdie Hop Cambridge meeting where she met with Libby Gausden, Jenny Spires and a bunch of Barrett-fans: Iggy Rose in Cambridge.

And then, when you're least expecting it, there is a brand new Iggy picture that make our hormone levels go crazy.

This article follows the same steps as that other one of 2012 that published the discovery of Iggy's 'Pocahontas' picture, that has been an inspiration for so many Iggy fans and their fanart creations: Iggy - a new look in festivals.

The 1967 Festival of the Flower Children

Poster courtesy Oscar Wilson
Festival of the Flower Children. Poster: courtesy Oscar Wilson."

Two weeks after Iggy had visited the National Jazz, Pop, Ballads and Blues Festival at the Royal Windsor Racecourse, where she had her picture taken for Music Maker magazine (see: Iggy - a new look in festivals), there was the first Woburn festival with an equally appealing title: Festival of the Flower Children. Wanting to cash in on the Summer of Love (and the Bank Holiday Weekend of 26-28 August) it tried to be a direct competitor for the first one that was already well established and in its seventh edition. Flower Children also went on for three days but its bill was less abundant, less adventurous and clearly directed at the general public or 'weekend' hippies, rather than the underground elite. The host, the Duke of Bedford, one of those examples the French invented the guillotine for and the living proof that the posh establishment will temporarily adhere an alternative lifestyle if there is a buck to earn, sneered:

Only flower children are allowed in. They are nice peaceful young people who like beat music and coloured lights. They are very different from hippies who take drugs and make trouble. Hippies will definitely be barred.
Dancing Flower Children (The Australian Women's Weekly)
Dancing Flower Children (The Australian Women's Weekly).

The Duke of Bedford apparently grabbed 10% of the entrance money estimated at £50.000, according to an article in The Australian Women's Weekly, but the promoters, the Seller brothers, apparently weren't that happy and the financial debacle may have quickened the demise of their mod nightclub Tiles, where Jeff Dexter was the house DJ. The Daily Telegraph, however, wrote that the festival made the nice profit of £20.000. (Much of the information and some of the pictures in this article come from the excellent UK Rock Festivals.) For snobbish left-elitist underground circles and their affiliated magazines is was all a sell-out. Peter Jenner:

Gradually all sorts of dubious people began to get involved. The music business began to take over. (…) There were things like the Festival of the Flower Children.

That the Seller brothers were thinking more in the terms of profit than music or mod culture was perhaps proven by their nightclub Tiles that was described by Tom Wolfe as the 'Noonday Underground'. In the middle of the day, during lunch hour, the club opened and was visited by 'office boys, office girls, department store clerks' and teenagers who had left school at fifteen, for their daily dose of mod music and a Coca-Cola. Tiles aimed for an easy-going public and although it lacked style and personality it did have a proper bar, a good dance floor, a fancy stage and an excellent sound system.

Sleeping Flower Child (The Australian Women's Weekly)
Sleeping Flower Child (The Australian Women's Weekly).

The Flower Children festival aimed at the masses as well, and not to the hardcore underground, promising bands and artists as Jeff Beck, The Bee Gees, Eric Burdon & The New Animals, The Kinks (not confirmed), Denny Laine (from The Moody Blues), Marmalade, Zoot Money & The Big Roll Band, The Move (not confirmed), The Alan Price Set, The Small Faces, Al Stewart, The Syn (a precursor of Yes) and less known bands as Blossom Toes, Breakthru, The Dream (some claim an early incarnation of Tangerine Dream?), The Gass (not confirmed), Tintern Abbey and Tangerine Peel (not confirmed and perhaps this is where the Tangerine Dream rumour comes from).

With the exception of perhaps Dantalian's Chariot (another band led by Zoot Money) and Tomorrow (with drummer Twink) the bill wasn't really underground, nor psychedelic. Pink Floyd was never considered to appear at the festival, although Rob Chapman pretends the opposite in his immaculate biography. Not that the band would've come as they had already cancelled the Windsor Racecourse gig due to Barrett's erratic behaviour.

For the press the festival was gefundenes fressen and news photographers seemed to outnumber groovers. And now we let you guess, who can be found on one of those pictures, you think?

Flower Mother and Child (The Australian Women's Weekly)
Flower Mother and Child (The Australian Women's Weekly).

Inside heroes

On the 21st of September the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit was asked the following by Jacinta Storten:

Hi there, do you know if Iggy attended the Festival of the Flower Children love-in at Woburn Abbey in 1967? I have some photos of attendees and one of them looks just like her, on the other hand the photo could be from the Woburn Festival that Fleetwood Mac headlined which I think Pink Floyd were also billed from memory it was 67 or 68. [Note from FA: for the record, at the 1968 version of the Woburn Abbey festival, Fleetwood Mac never showed up, although they were billed. Pink Floyd never played the festival either as they were touring North America on that day.]

Such a mail obviously has the same effect on the Church as a red rag to a bull. We immediately contacted Iggy Rose who wasn't aware of ever being at the festival, but you know the saying 'if you remember the sixties, you weren't there'. We wrote back to Jacinta, asking for a copy of the picture so that we could send it over to Iggy, but due to the quirky way Facebook messaging works sometimes (or should we say: not works) that was ignored. (We have that effect on many people.)

Luckily on the fifth of November the picture appeared on the HeroInSight Tumblr blog:

Iggy the Eskimo, Festival of the Flower Children, 1967.
Iggy the Eskimo, Festival of the Flower Children, 1967.

'Iggy ”The Eskimo” Rose at Festival of the Flower Children Love-in, Woburn Abbey UK, 1967.

As soon as we got hold of the picture we send it to Iggy who confirmed it was indeed her:

My goodness, where did you find that?
I look stoned.
Haha. I can't even remember being there. Lol xxx.

An internet search revealed that the picture is currently hosted at Photo Inventory France, that seems to be owned by an Ebay seller called Photo Vintage France. The picture (30 x 19.5 cm) was put several times on sale before, between June 2012 and August 2015, for the price of 159 Euro, but apparently no buyer has ever been found. Lucky for us, otherwise the picture had perhaps never been found.

We contacted the owner of the Ebay shop, Bruno Tartarin, asking if he could give us more information about this picture. We got a reply pretty fast, but it didn't really give us info we didn't know already:

Cette image vient des archives Holmes-Lebel.
Flower Children, Hippies Rally, Woburn Abbey, Angleterre, circa 1967. RE2173
Tirage argentique d'époque tamponnée.
This image comes from the Holmes-Lebel archives.
Flower Children, Hippies Rally, Woburn Abbey, Angleterre, circa 1967. RE2173
Authentic gelatin-silver photography, stamped.

Internet searches for the Holmes-Lebel company didn't lead to anything substantial apart from the fact that they created / sold pictures for advertisements, movie posters, record and book covers and magazines in the sixties. Also the photographer who took Iggy's picture is a mystery as the agency had several internationally renowned people working for them like Rona Jutka, Raymond Voinquel, Inge Morath, Christian Simonpietri...

Update 2015 12 22: Meanwhile the picture has mysteriously landed at Atagong Mansion, and for once, the Reverend isn't interested in the front of the picture, but wants to study the different marks on the back. There are four in total:
1. a blue stamp of the Holmes-Lebel company with the remark that the document has to be returned after publication: 'document à rendre'.
2. another stamp with the warning that four times the copyright amount will be asked if the document gets lost or damaged: 'en cas de perte ou détérioration des documents il sera perçu quatre fois le prix de cession des droits'.
3. a sticker describing the picture in English:

Hippy girl dressed in the Indian way.
Copyright HOLMES-LEBEL/I.M.F. n) 3008

4. a remark written in pencil, reading 'woodstook'.

Scans of the stamps, stickers and marks on the back can be found on our Iggy Tumblr page: Hippy Girl.

Jean Straker (taken from Oz 6, 1967)
Jean Straker (taken from Oz 6, 1967).

Porn and the Englishman

A photographer who certainly was present at the Flower Children festival was Londoner Jean Straker whose photo studio was in Soho and who was interviewed in the 6th issue of Oz because his pictures were considered pornographic in the prude interpretation of the English law.

In 1951 he founded the Visual Arts Club where he gave lectures, sold his pictures and where he would have 'photographers, amateur and professional, studying the female nude'. Straker's pictures were considered pornography under the Obscene Publications Act and in 1961 over 1600 of his negatives and 233 of his prints were confiscated. While Straker claimed his pictures were of artistic value the judge didn't follow this explanation. In appeal, Straker got many of his negatives back, but this was forced on a technicality, using a loophole in the law, and the official interpretation was still that his pictures were obscene.

This situation lingered on with Straker trying to fight censorship and in 1967 Jean Straker noted (in Oz 6):

Now, as most lawyers know, I been through all this jazz before; apart from a few thousand motorists, and a few hundred barrow boys, I must be the most prosecuted non-criminal in town.

Jean Straker also visited the Festival of the Flower Children were he might have taken over 220 pictures. Harper's Books currently sells a (partial) archive of 39 different 5 x 8 inch black and white photographs. However, at 3.000 USD for this collection, it is a bit expensive just to find out if the Iggy picture is part of it.

At 165 Euro the Holmes-Lebel piece is almost a bargain.

Flower Child by Jean Straker
Flower Child by Jean Straker.

The who, the what and the where?

There is a big chance we will never know who took Iggy's picture at the festival of the Flower Children. It could've been one of Iggy's froody friends, as we know she knew quite a few free-lance photographers, including the one who took her picture two weeks earlier at the National Jazz, Pop, Ballads and Blues Festival. If only she could remember his name! At the other hand, she could've been invited to the festival by Jeff Dexter, who had developed some interest in her and tried to record her in the studio.

Update 2023: There is the possibility this picture was taken by Feri Lukas. See: Feri Lukas, photographer.

It is possible that the picture was bought by the Holmes-Lebel agency in order to publish it in a French magazine. It would be nice to find that article back, if there ever has been one.

But the good news is that a new Iggy picture has been unearthed and that is was found – again – by one of her many fans. For that the Church (and Iggy Rose) will be eternally grateful to Jacinta 'HeroInSight' Storten...

The quest continues... good hunting my sistren and brethren... and don't do anything that Iggy wouldn't do...

Many thanks to: HeroInSight, Jacinta Storten, Iggy Rose, Bruno Tartarin, UK Rock Festivals.
♥ Iggy ♥ Libby ♥

Some pictures and articles, used for this post, will be published at the Holy Church's Tumblr blog under the Festival of the Flower Children-tag.

Sources (other than the above internet links):
Chapman, Rob: A Very Irregular Head, Faber and Faber, London, 2010, p. 179.
Green, Jonathon: All Dressed Up, Pimlico, London, 1999, p. 43, 221.
Green, Jonathon: Days In The Life, Pimlico, London, 1998, p. 112.
Palacios, Julian: Syd Barrett & Pink Floyd: Dark Globe, Plexus, London, 2010, p. 246.
Photo Inventory France: http://photoinventory.fr/photos/RE2173.png
Pullen, Bob: Photography and Censorship: The Photographs and Ideals of Jean Straker, Photography and Culture, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2008 (online pdf version).


Iggy The Eskimo Girl (full movie)

Iggy the Eskimo by Anthony Stern
Iggy the Eskimo by Anthony Stern.

Update 2016 04 03: After the movie was 'found' on Facebook, it took less than 24 hours before it was deleted from Dailymotion. We hope that the original uploader will not get into trouble. We are currently trying to get a reaction from Anthony Stern and Chimera Arts. (More info: afterword.)

The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit, that wacky blog with an even wackier Reverend vehemently tries to catalogue all things Iggy Rose, and although several pictures and movies have been unearthed since then, one important and most reverential piece was still missing in our collection.

Shot in 1968 by Anthony Stern, 'iggy the eskimo girl' (all in lowercase) showed Iggy Rose dancing barefoot through London, annoying the square folk who had to go to work, creating kerfuffle wherever she put her lovely feet and using something that resembles a smartphone, 30 years before these were invented. The movie with its Pink Floyd soundtrack, restored in 2008 by Sadia Sadia from Chimera Arts, was shown at the legendary The City Wakes in Cambridge and would now and then resurface on avant-garde film festivals all over the world.

The movie never made it to the 'big' public though and several demands of the Church to obtain a copy were politely refused. A one minute 27 seconds audience recording, taken at a Paris movie festival, was the longest version we had (Iggy, Eskimo Girl), next to a teaser from City Wakes (Syd Barrett - Iggy).

Cut to 2014 when Anthony Stern launched a new website 'Anthony Stern Films' with the promise to publish a DVD 'Get All From That Ant' containing his complete filmography (see: Magnets & Miracles). However the project came to a standstill and some spin-offs, like an Iggy The Eskimo magnet never came off the ground either (see: The perfect Xmas gift: put Iggy on your fridge!).

Since then it was awfully quiet around the movie maker / glass artist and frankly, the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit had given up hope to ever see the 'iggy the eskimo girl' movie in full.

Iggy the Eskimo Girl, by Anthony Stern
Iggy the Eskimo Girl, by Anthony Stern.

Until today.

This morning we were informed by an enthusiastic Iggy that a full version of the movie can be found on Dailymotion, where it had already been uploaded at the end of the previous year by someone who is internationally recognised as a Pink Floyd buff. Quality isn't too bad, although it isn't really spectacular either. This is due to the fact that it is an audience recording as well, taken from a 2010 film festival in Lille. Some cropping and editing had to be done and the audio was re-sampled. But as far as we can judge, this is the most complete version and the closest to the original.

In the same breath Iggy also mentioned that she, with a couple of friends, had some more tricks up her sleeve, but alas as the Reverend of the Iggy's Church we had to take a vow of silence. But watch this space if you want to be kept informed.

So for now, sistren and brethren, here is 'iggy the eskimo girl'. Enjoy and don't do anything Iggy wouldn't do.

Video down message.
Content deleted. This video is no longer available because it has been deleted.

If you dig deeper into the reason you get the message: The above video has been deleted after a copyright claim.


After the movie was 'found' and published on the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit, it took less than 24 hours before it was deleted. Uploaded at the end of past year it led a calm life at Dailymotion until it was found by a Birdie Hop group member, if our information is correct. From there it quietly expanded to other groups and on other people's timelines, including the one of Iggy Rose. Reactions were generally ecstatic, except for one.

It didn't take long for Stephen W. Tayler to claim that this was a copyright infringement. He is a mixer, music producer, composer and sound designer who has worked on hundreds of projects, including Kate Bush, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel and Howard Jones. As a partner in Chimera Arts he helped restoring eight Anthony Stern movies in 2008, including 'iggy the eskimo girl'.

Neither Anthony Stern, Sadia Sadia, nor Anthony W. Tayler wanted to give comments. (Back to top of the article.)

Iggy the Eskimo Girl at Anthony Stern Glass.
Iggy the Eskimo Girl at Chimera Arts.

Many thanks to: Marc-Olivier Becks, Rich Hall.
♥ Iggy ♥ Libby ♥


Memory Marbles (2016): new Iggy pictures found!

Anthony Stern
Anthony Stern.

In our previous post (Lost Weekends) we told how Keith Richards (with some help from Julian Temple) took over the BBC4 broadcasting schedule on the weekend from the 23rd to the 25th September 2016.

One of the documentaries shown was called Lost and Found: The Memory Marbles of Anthony Stern. Unfortunately it was the only original piece that couldn't be re-watched on the BBC4 iPlayer, probably due to copyright restrictions.

The Birdie Hop group, that has a soft spot for Iggy Rose, looked for people who had a copy, but could only find some pictures and snippets, taken with mobile phones, from TV screens. Quality wasn't excellent, but it was all we had.

Then professional Syd Barrett movie collector Hallucalation chimed in. This man has already unearthed 'lost' Pink Floyd reels earlier and again he did the impossible and traced back a digital copy of the Anthony Stern BBC4 documentary. (A 2012 self-Interview with this remarkable man, taken from Solo En Las Nubes, can be found at Wondering and Dreaming (a self-interview with Ewgeni Reingold).)

Even if your heart isn't necessary with Pink Floyd, nor with Iggy the Eskimo, it is an excellent documentary, not only of the swinging sixties, but of life in that decade in general. If the documentary was a shortened version of Take All That From Ant, that has its premiere today in Cambridge, by the way, then that movie is going to be a killer.

Iggy the Eskimo, by Anthony Stern.
Iggy the Eskimo. Pictures: Anthony Stern.

Several entirely new pictures of Iggy have been unearthed, several 'better' screenshots of the Iggy, the Eskimo movie have been grabbed and these can be seen on our Tumblr Memory Marbles page. For your amusement we have of course also added some Pink Floyd at UFO shots.


This article is an update from Lost Weekends. Many thanks to: Hallucalation, Antonio Jesús, Lisa Newman, Anthony Stern, Yeeshkul.

The Iggy the Eskimo Memory Marbles photo series on Tumblr.
Yeeshkul: Film and Photography by Anthony Stern.

♥ Iggy ♥ Libby ♥


Iggy the Eskimo: 3 new pictures found!

Iain Owen Moor
Iain Owen Moore

More Blues

Iain Owen Moore, nicknamed Emo (or Imo), is a legendary figure of the Cambridge Mafia that circled in and around the early Floyd. Actually he was already something of a legend before The Abdabs or The Tea Set became The Pink Floyd Sound. Barrett & Waters liked to have him around for old time's sake, but at the other hand David Gilmour also helped Emo out of trouble a couple of times.

Emo was also an inspiration for the band. The phrase 'I've got a little black book with my poems in' could be his, but it is certain that 'ummagumma' was one of his favourite expressions (and pastimes). Needless to say that Pink Floyd later named one of their albums 'Ummagumma' and that – in true Floydian greedy tradition – Emo didn't get any recognition for that. That's how we know our boys, laughing all the way to the bank, blaming capitalism.

Later Emo also turned up on several Hipgnosis sleeves. He is on A Nice Pair and on AC DC's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, if our memory still is correct after all these years. When the Church was formed, nearly a decade ago, we were told that Emo was hard to reach as he didn't believe in all that digital tomfoolery, but he recently discovered Facebook and has been revealing many anecdotes and memories to fans over the world.

Memory Sticks

Not only does Emo has a good memory, he also has an incredible archive with many unseen Floydian pictures. He has uploaded private pictures of Floyd and their friends such as Ginger Gilmour, Lyndsay Korner and Gaylor Pinion (aka Gala or Gayla). And, since a couple of hours... three unseen pictures of Iggy the Eskimo, probably taken at Wetherby Mansion, in 1969.

Iggy the Eskimo, 1969. Iggy the Eskimo, 1969. Iggy the Eskimo, 1969.
Iggy the Eskimo, Wetherby Mansions, 1969.
Po and Emo, Formentera, 1969-ish.
Po and Emo, Formentera, 1969-ish.

Rumours & Facts

The Holy Church didn't find these pictures, but was warned by one of its many friends, who also chatted with Emo about this. We do have his authorisation though, to publish them here. The pictures are not of supreme quality and may look a bit deformed, they are photographs of the originals and not scans. Iain Moore:

Naughty Iggy. I only met her twice in 1969 but didn't speak to her. It was during the two weeks she was at Syd's place. Syd (Barrett), Dave (Gilmour) and Sam, my then girlfriend, all lived around the corner, so it was 1969.

Iggy probably frequented Syd a lot longer than these 'two' weeks. Margaretta Barclay, in her interview with the Church, told us that she has a postcard, addressed to her and Iggy (at Wetherby Mansions) from June 1969 (see: Gretta Speaks). There is Twink's testimony that Iggy, Syd, Mick Farren, Steve Peregrin Took and him crashed the launch party of King Crimson's first album, high on Champagne and mandrax (see: Syd's Last Stand). That was at the Speakeasy on the 5th of August 1969. At the other hand, Iggy didn't join Syd on his Formentera trip that year, where he met Emo and Aubrey 'Po' Powell, amongst others (see: Formentera Lady).

Actually these pictures do not belong to Emo. They are in the private hands of a Cambridge collector whose house is nearly a Syd Barrett and early Floyd museum, so told us a visitor. We have been in contact with this person for about a decade and as (s)he never told us about these unknown Iggy portraits we can (hopefully) deduct that these portraits only surfaced recently.

Update December 2017: According to Roddy Bogawa, these pictures date from 1968 and were taken by a certain 'Gabi'.

The Third Man

Iggy, in her interview with Mark Blake (see: The Strange Tale Of Iggy The Eskimo), has claimed there is a set of 'intimate' pictures of her and Syd, taken during The Madcap Laughs sessions. And in one of her many conversations with the Reverend she revealed that there could've been a third photographer around, next to Mick Rock and Storm Thorgerson.

But she also told us, with tears in her eyes, that a suitcase with personal belongings was tossed overboard by a rock star, when they crossed the channel. In that suitcase were probably a hundred different pictures, now lost forever. But the good news is: we have found three, thanks to Iain Owen Moor.

We can only hope that the owner of these pictures will allow us to publish a scanned hi-res version and would be so nice to explain when and where and by whom they were taken.

Meanwhile, the Church will assure that prints of these portraits will be send to Iggy Rose, who has left social media since the beginning of this year and with whom we have sporadic contact.

Many thanks to: Petra Eder, Libby Gausden, Paula Hilton, Iain Owen Moore, Anna Musial, Jenny Spires.
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Bigger versions of these three pictures will be published on our Tumblr blog, using the Emo Moore tag.


Donate for Iggy’s 70th Birthday!

Iggy Bank


Update December 2017: Iggy - as you probably know - died on the 13th of December 2017, about half an hour before her seventieth birthday. However, we are still accepting donations that will be used for her funeral and to help her husband Andy in this difficult period.

Original post:

A message from Libby Gausden, Birdie Hop & The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit.

Soon Iggy will celebrate her seventieth birthday. Unfortunately she is not doing well and she needs expensive medicine.

You can help by donating some money. Everything helps.

We guarantee that the money will get to her.

The Iggy Bank are: Libby Gausden (GB), Paula (GB), Lisa (CA), Alex (DE), Felix (BE) and the old bunch. Thanks to Brett for starting this way back in 2012 and all our friends for supporting us.

Now get that money rollin’

The Iggy Bank

A word from the Reverend

Over the years people from around the globe have given Iggy some support, not bragging about it to the outer world. That is why it hurts to see that a Syd Barrett Facebook group posted the following about The Iggy Bank and its plea to raise some money for Iggy Rose.

Him and his blog, in fact anything he's involved in, is everything that's wrong with being a fan of Syd Barrett. (...) I sure wouldn't give him any money for some "cause". (...) Paying Felix is maybe just giving him drinking money.

The Iggy bank (it's a lame name, I agree) was started in January 2012 when some friends wanted to do something for her. Unlike some underground heroes Iggy Rose didn't leave the sixties rich and famous. Iggy lead a simple life, unaware of the fact that her iconic presence helped business hippies selling coffee table books about record sleeves.

This is what we had to say way back in 2012:

The Iggy Bank is and will probably never be something official, we are just a bunch of Internet friends who believe they are real people rather than avatars. We give our word that all proceedings will go to Iggy. Besides, if something would go wrong Libby Gausden has already promised she will kick our butts.

The Iggy Bank Paypal funds are visible and fully open to the people organising it, and it was actually Libby Gausden and Alex from Birdie Hop who asked to resuscitate the 5 years old PayPal account.

Many thanks to all our donators and to the old and new friends who are helping us.

♥ Iggy ♥ Libby Gausden (GB) ♥ Alexander (DE) ♥ Amy (US)Antonio (ES) ♥ Eva (NL) ♥ Lisa (CA).

Thanks Brett for having the idea in 2012.

♥ RIP Bill


RIP Iggy Rose: 1947-2017

Iggy, mid-seventies.
Iggy, mid-seventies.
Iggy and Andy, London, 2011.
Iggy and Andy, London, 2011.

From Quetesh to Bastet


Iggy the Eskimo,
Girl of space.

Often very alone,
But always a friend.

Star fallen from the black sky:
Solar, solitary, solstice, soloist.

Pale blue crystal dawn, pearl wine dusk.
A mauve Venus, disrobed on the silk orange milky way.

Magical music, medieval Median, magnetic:
Even in worlds where love is impossible.

Transcended, transparent, translucent, transitory:
Life together unconditionally and forever.

And that black cat caressing him with a glance, the night.
The malefic vision of Lucifer Sam.

© Denis Combet, English translation by Constance Cartmill (2007). Previously published at: Guitars and Dust Dancing.

Iggy and Libby, Cambridge, 2015.
Iggy and Libby, Cambridge, 2015.

♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥ Paula ♥


Iggy Rose: Eskimos and Unicorns

Iggy, 1967.
Iggy, 1967. Picture: Iggy Stern.

You could find many weird folk running around in London in the sixties, but there was only one Eskimo. On the 13th of December 2017, just a couple of minutes before her seventieth birthday, Iggy Rose, aka Iggy the Eskimo, peacefully died.

Crumbling Land

She was born in the Himalayas, on the fourteenth of December 1947, in a country she has always refused to name, but it was probably that part of India that became Pakistan, after a particular bloody separation, with its death toll running into the hundreds of thousands. Her father was an officer in the British army who married a local beauty. Their first child was Evelyn, but for one reason or another she would be known as Iggy. Her mother gave her an indigenous name as well, Laldawngliani, meaning gift of the gods, in a language Iggy never spoke.

Iggy, late forties.
Iggy, late forties.

Update December 2017: Iggy's mother, so was confirmed to us, wasn't from Pakistan, but from Mizoram, situated at the North-East of India, sharing borders with Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Iggy grew up as any normal child, although she already had the special gift of running into trouble. There is the family anecdote of the cat Iggy wanted to pet in the garden, until her parents, or the servants, found out it really was a hungry tiger on the loose.

For a while all went well, with Iggy and family living a luxurious and protected life in one of the British enclaves, politely ignoring that a civil war was raging around them. One day a mob invaded their house, burned it down and, if Iggy’s recitation of the events is accurate, they narrowly escaped a lynching party.

Family picture, late forties, early fifties.
Family picture, late forties, early fifties.

Next stop: Aden, Yemen. Another melting pot of colonial and religious problems. This was only a temporary solution as the family returned to England where they lived the upstairs life. Iggy always stayed vague about her family ties, but there might have been some railway money in the family, from the time that railways were still a great money-making thing.

Rome, late fifties?
Rome, late fifties?

Wild Thing

Iggy hit puberty, running away from home at fourteen, discovering boys, girls, booze, and speed. These were the days when young adults refused to lead the life of their grey parents, refused to listen to that boring BBC and refused to agree with the après-guerre nuclear warmongering. There may also have been some family turmoil, at times Iggy alluded to that, other times she just blamed her exit from home upon her temperamental character.

Iggy danced through life, her pretty looks and free spirit mostly assured her some food and a place to stay. Through a well-known DJ she turned from mods to rockers and Brighton was changed for London.

Enter Brian and Keith and others, for what could be called a groupie career, although she never was a groupie pur sang. In contrast to some flower power beauties who have made a fortune by talking out of bed, Iggy stayed discrete about the people she met, from Beatles to Yardbirds. There is the story how she was at a Rolling Stones party, went 'home' in the evening, slept on the stairs of a house portal, returning the next day as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Probably for Iggy, it was. She never was a trophy hunter, nor a fortune seeker.

Iggy and Jenny Spires met at Biba and they went to a Dusty Springfield après-event. Jenny returned the favour and introduced her to Syd Barrett who had left Pink Floyd, a band Iggy wasn’t particularly fond of. Iggy had always been more of a Motown girl. She stayed for a couple of weeks at Wetherby Mansions and she visited Barrett over the period of a few months, until – one day – Duggie Fields told her that Syd didn’t live there any more.

The legend that Iggy vanished all of a sudden isn’t true, she just wasn’t traceable on the Floydian radar any more. In those days it was enough to move a couple of blocks where she frequented other, equally alternative and underground, circles. There were painters, musicians, actors, movie directors...

Iggy on a movie set, 1974.
Iggy on a movie set, 1974.

Rose Tinted

In coffee table books, invariably written by men, we read how beautiful and carefree British psychedelic underground was. It wasn't always for those who didn't make a fortune out of it. The summer of love wasn't particularly women friendly either. Bad things happened to Iggy. Luckily, many good things as well.

Iggys wedding, 1978.
Iggy's wedding, 1978.

In the mid-seventies psychedelic tomfoolery was over and Iggy had to look for a job. She worked on a horse-farm for a while and met her husband there. They got married in 1978 and relocated to a small village in the Horsham district of West Sussex where she worked in a local supermarket. Even there she was the stuff legends are made of. In a (long defunct) Facebook group people remembered how she would throw groceries at those clients who didn't treat her with respect. The management had to get rid of her before she could injure someone.

The Cambridge City Wakes festival (2008) triggered something of an Iggy the Eskimo revival but Iggy's public life really started when Mark Blake, from Pigs Might Fly fame, wrote about her in a Syd Barrett Mojo Special (2010). One reader actually knew her and her quiet life was suddenly interrupted. She was interviewed for Mojo and she learned there was some kind of Iggy fandom on the world wide web. Contrary to general belief it wasn't The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit who found her. Mark Blake did.

Iggy discovered Facebook and made many, many, many friends.

A rose is a rose is a rose

Iggy was Iggy, nothing less, nothing more. Loud-mouthed, obnoxious, loyal, sweet and with the greatest heart you have ever seen. Talking to Iggy on the phone would mean a constant battering of your eardrums while she rattled a hundred and twenty words a minute. Her emotions could change from joy to anger to uncontrolled sobbing in less than a minute. If she was mad her vocabulary was lively enough to make a sailor blush. Iggy didn't wear masks. Iggy was the truest and most direct and brutally honest person I have ever seen.

Iggys attempt at a selfie, 2014.
Iggy's attempt at a selfie, 2014.

The last time when I spoke to her, I asked: “ Iggy, is it good that I call you from time to time?”
“Why?” she answered. “To check if I am not dead yet?”

I'm gonna miss those comments of her.

Face- and other books

Iggy always had big dreams. If Kathy Etcham, Jenny Fabian and Uschi Obermaier could write books about rock stars, so could she. Unfortunately Iggy's unstoppable enthusiasm for literally everything around her made every attempt to interview her an impossible task. One day she told me that her book needed pictures of unicorns to thank all her lovely Facebook friends for their friendship and love. She was not joking. Iggy was always incredibly happy with the support from her Facebook friends. This was enormously important to her. She was always thankful for that.

It was an honour to have known you, gal.

Sincere condolences to Andy and her family. Many thanks to everyone supporting her.


If you ever go to heaven there is a rainbow garden where an Eskimo girl is dancing, there are friendly tigers and gentle unicorns. Birds are singing and circling around her like in a Disney movie. Brian is jamming on a sitar. Syd is strumming some chords. It is a happy place.

Many thanks to all who have helped Iggy all these years, her husband, neighbours, friends and caregivers... fans and freaks at birdie hop, clowns & jugglers, late night, no man's land...
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥ Paula ♥


Funeral Band

Worthing Crematorium
Worthing Crematorium.

Dark Globe

It is the darkest period of the year, literally and figuratively. Today, the 27th of December 2017, Iggy's funeral takes place at Worthing Crematorium. We can only wish for strength for Iggy's husband, her family, her friends... A big thank you for the Birdies and Nesters who have supported Iggy all these years...


After most funerals, people sit together and commemorate the deceased, and slowly the tears are being replaced with laughter, when funny remembrances and anecdotes fill the atmosphere... It is a necessary part of the grieving process and we are pretty sure that people can go on for hours recalling Iggy's funnier moments.


A couple of years ago, 2013 already!, multi-instrumentalist and Barrett-buff Rich Hall recorded an album called Birdie Hop & the Sydiots. Its concept was to catalogue the wacky aspects of Barrett fandom, including cosmic brides, silly reverends and goofing administrators of various Syd Barrett Facebook groups.

One of the highlights of the album was a track called The Reverend, clearly a reverie about the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit and its main obsession: Iggy the Eskimo. For Iggy's seventieth birthday Rich, with some help of his dog Porthos, recorded an acoustic version of the song. Unfortunately Iggy never heard it and as such the song has now become a fitting tribute. From Rich to Iggy, from Porthos to Doogle, we present you Iggy's message that is love.

Gigolo aunts & uncles

Back in better days, June 2015, Iggy was invited to Cambridge at the second Birdie Hop meeting. Men On The Border joined as well, giving an exclusive concert at the Rathmore Club. After the gig there was some time for an acoustic sing-a-long with the band, fans, Cantabrigian mafia rockers and a pretty unstoppable Iggy. Revive it here... original videos from Göran Nyström and Solo En Las Nubes blogger Antonio Jesús Reyes.

Happy belated birthday Iggy. Hundreds of fans will never forget you.

Many thanks to: Rich Hall, Men On The Border, Göran Nystrom, Antonio Jesús Reyes.
♥ Iggy ♥ Libby ♥ Paula ♥

Rich Hall: Birdie Hop and The Sydiots
Göran Nystrom: Men On The Border
Anotnio Jesús Reyes : Solo En Las Nubes


Iggy Rose Memorial Card

Iggy Rose Memorial Card
Iggy Rose Memorial Card. Picture taken by David Stanford.

David Stanford:

It was so sad to be at the funeral. I can advise that her life was celebrated in the manner I am sure she would have approved of. RIP sweet Iggy Rose. ♥ ♥ ♥


♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥ Paula ♥


Paint Your Wagon: Iggy movie unearthed!

Great news for these desolate autumn times. On Tuesday, 23 October 2018, Nigel Young found a 1968 documentary, featuring none other than Iggy the Eskimo. He was so friendly to warn the Church about his discovery. Simultaneously Alex Hoffmann (from Birdie Hop) and Antonio Jesús Reyes (from Solo En Las Nubes) also informed the Reverend of this pretty spectacular find. Let's have a closer look, shall we?

Iggy at Port Eliot
Iggy at Port Eliot, summer 1968.
Iggy at Port Eliot.
Iggy at Port Eliot.

Hippies St Germans

“Hippies at the Port Eliot Estate in St Germans explain a happy hippy way of life and are welcomed by the Earl.”

The full movie can be watched (for free) at the BFI archives, but unfortunately it has been geo-blocked for users outside Great Britain, but as these are the days of the interweb means and methods exist to circumvent that: Hippies St Germans. A short excerpt with only the Iggy bits and pieces (direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tHaIiZFiNA).

Here is how the movie is described by BFI:

Peregrine Eliot aka from 1988 the tenth Earl of St Germans has opened his estate to a community of hippies who seek an alternative way of life. This dreamy film sees news reporter Dale Le Vack meet members of the community and attempts to explore aspirations for centring and pooling resources including giving up traditional living in the pursuit of harmony, freedom, self-sufficiency and vegetarianism.

This sounds all very idyllic, but the hippies in the movie, although unwashed, weren't really hippies to begin with. Except the one we call a rose, obviously.

Jacquetta Eliot, nee: Jacquetta Lampson.
Henrietta Partridge, née: Henrietta Garnett.

Class struggle

It has been stated before that the psychedelic in-crowd of the mid-sixties were not a part of the proletariat, although they liked to mingle with ordinary work-folk like – let's say – Mick Jagger, to show that they were not snobby. It even was mentioned in a 1965 Daily Express column from William Hickey:

There's no harm these days in knowing a Rolling Stone... And pop people do not seem to mind who they mix with. Some of their best friends, in fact, are fledglings from the upper classes.

Ordinary men – despite the social, cultural and sexual revolution this was still mainly a patriarchal clique – who managed to throw their working class shackles away and entered the progressive ranks of society were embraced in aristocratic circles as a long lost brother returning from a spiritual voyage to Shangri-La. Actor Terence Stamp, originally a working-class boy, 'gleefully expressed his delight that'...

...some yobbo like me could get into the Saddle Room [a hip nightclub] and dance with the Duchess of Bedford's daughter, and get hold of her, and get taken down to Woburn Abbey to hang out for a long weekend and have dinner in the Canaletto Room.(Taken from the very relevant and informative The wild Sloanes who made the Sixties happen, by John Walsh.)
Roxana Bunty Lampson
Roxana 'Bunty' Lampson.

Jeff Dexter

“By the mid-'60s Iggy had become a Zelig-like presence on the capital's music scene.”, wrote music journalist Mark Blake in his Iggy Rose interview (see: The Strange Tale Of Iggy The Eskimo). She knew DJ Jeff Dexter from her Orchid Ballroom days and (probably) through Prince Stash Klossowski De Rola she got in contact with Brian Jones and Keith Richards.

“Dexter loved the attention of the 'aristos'.”, Iggy told the Church. He entered the posh social circles by befriending the Ormsby-Gore sisters, Jane, Victoria and Alice (aka the Harlechs) and David Mlinaric, the British-Austro-Hungarian interior designer who had, among his clients, Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and Lord Rotschild. Jeff Dexter:

The people around Granny's were rich kids, beautiful people, but that was no barrier for me. They were just people making things happen. Though they had the advantage that they could get a shop together and set up businesses. (DITL, P221)

Barry Miles had about the same opinion:

The music business was the main way in which the working class became involved. The people who were involved with fashion or art tended to be much more upper class. (DITL, P92)
Unknown hippie.
Unknown hippie.

Baghdad House

One place to meet, during the day, was the Baghdad House (or BDH) on Fulham Road where you sat on cushions and could drink a yoghurt with honey and smoke some hash downstairs. Barry Miles notes that the place was difficult to raid because of its many important visitors: Beatles, Stones and their aristocratic friends.

Iggy, to her own account, never was a part of the London elite in-crowd, but mingled with them at different occasions. This came naturally to her, Iggy originated from a well-to-do upper middle-class family who tried to raise her as a well-mannered ladylike debutante. As a child she had several private tutors who taught her the piano, violin, harp, flute and classical guitar. She had a voice coach learning her how to sing. She took ballet classes with a 'madame who was a sadist throwback from the Gestapo', as Iggy once vividly described to us. All these lessons were to no avail as she was a bratty stubborn kid with a mind of her own. Iggy wanted freedom and if that meant running away from home at 14, so be it. She could easily have entered the elite to live a protected and secure life, she certainly had the manners and – frankly – the looks for it, but freedom was much more important to her than having a full stomach and a bed to sleep in, trapped in a golden cage.

Mark Palmer.
Mark Palmer.

Melting Pot

Before we get to the travelling would-be hippies, let's have some extra name-dropping.

Sir Charles Mark Palmer, 5th Baronet (whatever that means), whose godmother happened to be queen Elizabeth II, opened the English Boy modelling agency in 1965. It was located above the Quorum store, from Ossie Clark and Alice Pollock, who asked Iggy to model some clothes on the catwalk. (She probably was too insecure and refused.)

On another floor of the same building lived Brian Jones with his girlfriend (and model) Melanie Susan 'Suki' Potier (often written as Poitier). But that didn't stop him from inviting Iggy Rose from time to time for some quality entertainment.

Michael Rainey originally was a designer for Quorum, but he opened his own shop Hung On You in 1965. Iggy wasn't the only one who found him an Adonis. Anita Pallenberg:

Michael was just so wonderful and so handsome. I think everybody I knew had a crush on him in those days. (RSG, P192)
Unknown hippie.
Unknown hippie.

English Boy

Rainey was married to Jane Teresa Denyse Ormsby-Gore, the Lady Jane from the Rolling Stones song and daughter of David Ormsby-Gore, 5th Baron Harlech, a conservative politician and diplomat. Iggy Rose knew the couple pretty welll:

Michael Rainey owned a men's clothes shop, and there was a modelling agency called English Boy. I mixed with that set. The models at that agency were out of this world.

For some pictures of the English Boy models you can go to this page and it is no wonder that Iggy felt at ease with so many beauties around her.

Some models of English Boy.
Some male models of English Boy.
Alice Ormsby-Gore and EC.
Alice Ormsby-Gore and EC.

Tears in Heaven

Jane's younger sister was the 'tragically beautiful' Alice Ormsby-Gore, but she and Iggy didn't get along as they had been dating the same guitar player for some time. One night - in 1968 - at The Speakeasy Iggy was on the dance floor, 'lost in music and totally entranced', when Eric Clapton arrived with 17 year old Alice Ormsby-Gore by his side.

Almost four decades later, when Iggy told this anecdote to the Church, she was still not proud of her behaviour that night.

She threw one of her legendary temper tantrums and had to be removed from the nightclub. At first another guitarist hugged her and tried to calm her down by softly chanting hare krishna. But Iggy was too angry and refused to leave the Speak with him. A baffled George Harrison could only shake his head at so many stubbornness. At last one of the managers (Roy Flynn or Mike Carey, probably) escorted Iggy to his office where she cooled down with a hot cup of tea, sitting on the floor sobbing.

Unknown hippie.
Unknown hippie.

Bad Love

Through our conversations with Iggy we learned that she had quite a crush for the alleged lady-killer. After their breakup he denied that it had ever happened and we wonder if this has ever been described in one of the many Clapton biographies.

Perhaps it was all for the better. It is rumoured that Eric Clapton did not treat his fiancé well during their five year relationship and after the breakup he said he had never loved her. Alice followed Eric in his heroin addiction and while Clapton could recover Alice died of an overdose in 1995.

Unknown hippie.
Clive Palmer, founding member of the Incredible String Band.


Other friends of Iggy, through Jeff Dexter, were the eldest Lambton sisters: “Beatrice took care of me for a while.” Iggy probably meant Lady Beatrix Nevill (née: Lambton, 1949) who had four sisters: Lucinda (1943), Rose Diana (1952), Anne Mary (1954) and Isabella (1958). Their father was Lord Antony Claud Frederick Lambton, an MP who was caught in 1973 in a (minor) political scandal after he was found in bed with two prostitutes and some drugs.

Iggy probably only knew the two older sisters Beatrix and Lucinda, as the others were far too young. There is not a lot more that can be said as they apparently stayed out the gossip pages, at least in the sixties.

Lucinda wrote several books, was a photographer and an acclaimed TV broadcaster. Her younger sister Anne Lambton was a confidantes of Andy Warhol and starred in the Sex Pistols biography Sid and Nancy. In 2013 the family sued each other over the £12 million estate of their deceased father.

Peregrine Eliot.
Peregrine Eliot.

Port Eliot

The age of Aquarius was one were many youngsters were looking for an alternative lifestyle, an alternative philosophy, an alternative religion. In some cases this meant throwing those restraining British Christian traditions overboard, replacing these with equally restricting oriental ones and paradoxically claiming this new set of standards was liberating. Some aristocrats sought it closer to home. Keith Richards, in his autobiography, Life, remembers:

There were a lot of Pre-Raphaelites running around in velvet with scarves tied to their knees, like the Ormsby-Gores, looking for the Holy Grail, the Lost Court of King Arthur, UFOs and ley lines.

Iggy Rose visited the castle at Port Eliot (St Germans, Cornwall) with Michael Rainey and some other people of the smart set. Among them Henrietta Moraes (née: Audrey Wendy Abbott) who had been an equally free-spirited woman and junkie, although a decade and a half before. She was the muse and inspiration for many artists of the Soho subculture, including Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon and Maggi Hambling. Iggy the Eskimo:

There's a place in Cornwall called Port Elliot. A bloke I knew called Peregrine has a castle there. For the May Day celebrations a party of his friends would gather round the village, which upset the Morris dancers. Peregrine's beautiful ladies were sitting astride the horses that were adorned with flower garlands, dressed as dames from King Arthur's Court.

The above probably means that Iggy visited the castle more than once, as she was there with Michael Rainey and - later - with Mark Palmer's gypsy caravan.

Master and Servants

The master of the estate (as he is so accurately described by his grovelling interviewer) was Peregrine Eliot, 10th Earl of St Germans. He was a partner in Seltaeb, the Beatles merchandising company from the sixties. He was married to Jacquetta Jean Frederika Lampson, a daughter of a well known British diplomat. Jacquetta had been a model for Lucian Freud and performed in the 1967 movie Echoes of Silence. Also present in the documentary is her sister Roxana 'Bunty' Rose Catherine Naila Lampson. She was married to Ian Ross, who co-founded Radio Caroline.

Peregrine Eliot later hosted several festivals on his estate. The Elephant Fayre in the eighties and the Port Eliot Lit Fest from 2010 and later.

Maldwyn Thomans and Suki Potiers
Maldwyn Thomas & Suki Potiers.


The summer of love was slowly coming to an end and fun days were over. John Walsh in The wild Sloanes who made the Sixties happen:

As the summer of 1967 slid into autumn, things paled. Hippie and flower-child fashions became a high-street style rather than a statement of individualism. Sporting flowers in your hair or marigolds drawn in biro on your cheeks became passé. Many boutiques closed down. Michael Rainey and Jane Ormsby-Gore embarked on a spiritual quest. 'We were seriously into soul-seeking and going on fasts and meditating,' she said later. 'We left London, sold everything, gave away everything, and went to live in Gozo [Malta, FA].'

Another aristocrat had a different idea. Sir Mark Palmer seriously wanted to find the Holy Grail. He dressed as the archetypal druid from the Asterix cartoons and travelled through Britain in a horse-drawn gypsy caravan, taking with him some like-minded souls like musician Dave Tomlin from the guerrilla underground band The Giant Sun Trolley who played at the legendary '14th Hour Technicolor Dream' (later they evolved into The Third Ear Band).

Maldwyn Thomas, an English Boy model, was there as well from the start:

I was round at Mark's flat in Radnor Walk and he said, 'I'm going to drop out, do you want to come?' (…) It wasn't luxurious travelling in a caravan. Quite the opposite. (…) We bought a dung-cart, a sort of tipper cart. We put a tilt on it and wrapped it in canvas and it was very, very primitive. Mark bought this horse, a huge black and white mare. That was the start – and we set off. (DITL, P216)

The caravan was far from luxurious, but – for some reason or another – the idea appealed to many people, although some just visited the traveller's band for a weekend, like Brian Jones and his girlfriend Suki.

Iggy at Port Eliot.
Iggy at Port Eliot, summer 1968.
Michael Rainey.
Michael Rainey.


Mark Palmer wasn't the only one to roam through England in a horse-driven caravan. Barry Miles took over the lease of the Michael and Jane Rainey house when they decided to move. Its living room had a yellow carpet and that (allegedly) inspired Donovan to write Mellow Yellow. Before they relocated to Malta they also went on a Holy Grail quest.

They were into ley lines and flying saucers and that sort of cuts across all sorts of class barriers; When Jane and Michael left London they went in a sort of gypsy caravan travelling along ley lines to Wales with motorcycle out-riders. This is a sort of eccentricity you've always had among English aristocrats. They're famous for being very cuckoo, a lot of them. (RSG, P237)
Unknown hippie.
Unknown hippie.

And Iggy

A bunch of aristocrat hippies, travelling along the ley lines looking for UFOs and celebrating unsolicited sex. Who could refuse such an offer? Certainly not Iggy:

There was a glorious summer where I travelled around in a beautifully painted real-life gypsy caravan, pulled by a magnificent cart horse. At first I did not realise who Mark Palmer was. I thought he and his gang were hippies like me. Mark was my knight in shining armour, who took me under his wings.

Mark Palmer continued his quest till the mid-seventies. He and his gang of rich libertine new-age followers overwintered at Stargroves, a manor house at East Woodhay (Hampshire), owned by Mick Jagger.

So there you have it, the story of Iggy and her summer trip on a gypsy caravan, as documented by news reporter Dale Le Vack.

Iggy at Port Eliot.
Iggy at Port Eliot, summer 1968.
Iggy at Port Eliot.
Iggy at Port Eliot.

A last word...

It is not sure why Iggy left the commune, probably after the summer of 1968, but maybe her aversion of vegetarianism had something to do with it.

I have done the hippy commune... with the lentils and mantra and bongo bashing and tuneless flute playing. There was lots of plonk and unspiritual drugs... I'm not a diabetic! I just craved for the bloodiest steak.

That's our Iggy like we know her. She never could stay long at one place.

A tale of two Henrietta's

A follow-up article has been published in 2020 with additional information: A Tale of Two Henriettas 

Our Tumblr page has got some more pictures: Port Eliot. If you recognise some of the people portraited in the documentary, let us know!

Note: some sources claim it's Ormsby Gore, without the hyphen, but as Wikipedia puts it with one, i.c. Ormsby-Gore, that's the spelling we've used for this article.

Many thanks to: Jeff Dexter, Alex Peter Hoffmann, Jay Jeer, London in the 60s & 70s, Sophie Partridge, Antonio Jesús Reyes, The Iggy Rose Archives, Mim Scala, Greg Selby, Nigel Young.
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Sources (other than the above internet links):
Green, Jonathon: Days In The Life, Pimlico, London, 1998, p.187-190., p.92, 216, 221.
Levy, Shawn: Ready Steady Go!, Broadway Books, New York, 2003, p.192,237.
Miles, Barry: In The Sixties, Rocket 88, London, 2017 (updated version), p.298.
Miles, Barry: London Calling, Atlantic Books, London, 2010, p.213, 263.


Amateur Photographer: New Iggy Picture Found!

Iggy by Feri Lukas, 1970.
Iggy by Feri Lukas, 1970.

We have written this before. Just when you think that there will be no more Iggy the Eskimo news, she hits you hard, surprising the fans, posthumously reaching from those Elysian Fields where there is a special psychedelic corner for free spirits who are not square, we are sure of that. It is her way of telling us: don’t you forget about me.

Be assured, Iggy, we won’t.

Undercover Agents

The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit is a cabinet of curiosities, situated in Belgium, and its most precious objects have been brought in by an international network of Iggy admirers.

Before the Church started in 2008, all that was known about Iggy – with the exception of the Madcap photo sessions – was that she could be found in an NME article of November 1966. (See: Bend It!)

2008. DollyRocker, from the USA, recognised Iggy in a Rank Organisation documentary. This more or less triggered the start of this blog. (See: IN Gear)

2012. PhiPhi Chavana, from Hong Kong, found a picture of Iggy in a Music Maker magazine, belonging to a collector in Sydney (Australia). (See: Iggy - a new look in festivals)

2015. John Cavanagh, from Glasgow, Scotland, came across a CD compilation with Iggy on its cover. (See: Bend It (2015): New Iggy Picture Found)

2015. Jacinta Start, Australia, was pleasantly surprised to be confronted with Iggy’s picture, originally from the Holmes-Lebel archives in France. (See: Iggy - another festival, another look)

2018. We were almost simultaneously warned by Nigel Young (GB), Antonio Jesùs (Spain) and Alex Hoffmann (Germany) that Iggy was in a documentary, with an alternative bunch of aristocratic hippies, travelling in a horse-carriage from London to Port Eliot, St. Germans. (See: Paint Your Wagon: Iggy movie unearthed!)

2020. On the first spring day of 2020 a message arrived from Rostov-On-Don, Russia, to inform the Church that an unknown Iggy picture had mysteriously appeared on a Russian social network.

Here is the story… so far.

This Tumblr may contain sensitive media.
This Tumblr may contain sensitive media.

Remember Russia

On the 21st of March the Reverend received an incoming message from Vita Fillipova, who is a charming acquaintance since the Late Night Syd Barrett Discussion Room Forum days, where she was known as (Green Eyed) Betsy.

On the social network VK (short for Vkontakte), the number one site in Russia, she had found a post of user CBGB with a more than intriguing picture attached. “Could it be Iggy?” she asked us.

The post had been there since the first of March 2019 and Google searches initially led to nothing. Lucky there are several other search engines around and Yandex, not coincidentally a Russian one as well, found the picture on three different Tumblr blogs and, good for us, in a better quality. From there it could be traced back to its original uploader: Always Retro, who posted it somewhere in 2018.

Tumbling Down

Unfortunately, since the big porn breakdown from end 2018 Tumblr has become a shadow of its former self. If a Tumblr blog has been defined as ‘sensitive’, whatever that means, it becomes virtually impossible to explore it. Although certainly not NSFW Always Retro could only be opened in private mode, which means that looking for a specific date or tag was made impossible. Searching for the picture was like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack.

It took some extra digging and quite some luck and finally the source could be found in a gallery on ImageVenue, an anonymous image-sharing website.

Amateur Photographer, August 1970.
Amateur Photographer, August 1970.

Amateur Photographer

Amateur Photographer, as the name suggests, is a British photography magazine that exists since 1884, one year before Kodak marketed the film roll. It still exists today focusing on digital and analogue photography.

Issue 142 of the fifth of August 1970 had an article about 'Glamour On The Beach' which has always been a pretext to have some mild eroticism. The cover girl could possibly be actress Ann Sidney, aka Miss World 1964. She was pictured by Ken Howard who worked for several photo magazines. For the article itself, pictures of Raquel Welch and Alexandra Bastedo were used. (Although the magazine is called Amateur Photographer most of the pictures inside are made by professionals.)

Starting on page 28 is an article with the title 'London Salon 1970 – the Top Print'. It has a picture of minor celebrity Dania Faber (Montez). She was a pin-up model from Bombay who looked for fame and fortune in London, trying to become an actress. About a dozen pictures have survived from her and in the mid-seventies she disappeared completely from the radar. It was thanks to her picture (and to a collector's forum) that we could trace the person who owns and scanned the Amateur Photographer magazine.

And, as you have probably guessed by now, one of those scans contains a picture of a woman who looks uncannily like Iggy the Eskimo, taken by the photographer Feri Lukas.

Iggy, by Feri Lukas. Amateur Photographer, July 1970.
Iggy, by Feri Lukas. Amateur Photographer, July 1970.
Skinheads, by Feri Lukas.
Skinheads, by Feri Lukas.

Feri Lukas

Not much is known of Feri Lukas, other than that he was a photo journalist for the music magazine Record Mirror, under the wings of the world famous photographer Dezo Hoffmann, who began working for the magazine in 1955. Lukas certainly worked for Record Mirror in 1966 as he is mentioned in a Sonny & Cher article 'You Lucky People' from the third of September.

An internet search for Lukas only results in a couple of pictures. A few of mods and punks in the seventies, one of Muhammad Ali and one of an old man sitting on a bench that can be found on several religious inspired blogs. That is all there is to find. Dezo Hoffmann’s studio had different (rock) photographers who became famous afterwards, but Feri unfortunately isn’t one of them.

Man on a bench, Feri Lukas.
Man on a bench by Feri Lukas.

Birdie Hop

It doesn’t need to be said that the slightly fantastical Facebook group Birdie Hop (if you look up who started it you’ll understand why) was immediately buzzing with dozens of reactions from Syd Barrett and Iggy fans. (Several über-cool members also warned the Church about the picture.)

As always reactions were divided between believers and non-believers.

“The lips and eyes are off.” said one. “Their proportions may look similar at first glance, but there are differences as well. I don't think it is her.”

Comparison of two 'Iggy' Pictures. Left: Amateur Photographer picture by Feri Lukas. Right: 'Pocahontas' picture from 1967 (mirrored). Concept: Brynn Petty @ Birdie Hop.

But others had the following to say, after they compared the ‘Pocahontas’ picture with this one: “She has the same makeup under the eyes. (…) The face shape is round like hers, and the eyes look the same to me. (…) It’s so hard to say but I'm gonna guess yes.”

And: “This just convinced me more! The mouth, the slight overbite, the round nose, the round face. Exactly the same (to me).”

Amateur Photographer Caption
Amateur Photographer Caption.

But what does the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit has to say about this all?

Well, we are convinced this is Iggy, but up till now there is no proof and any evidence is – like American lawyers love to say – circumstantial. But as usual, Iggy will have the last word.

The Iggy Archives

The Reverend delved into his archive that contains transcripts of conversations with Iggy. One day, in 2011, we started talking about her modelling career and the people who shot her. Iggy Rose:

You should get in touch with the archive department of Melody Maker to track down those 2 photographers. I am pretty sure they were acquainted with my wonderful guardian angel who was freelancing for all the top music papers.

At the time this sentence was a mystery to us, but now it’s starting to get clear. According to Iggy there were three different photographers who took her pictures for different (music) magazines. Could it be that Feri Lukas was one of those, perhaps even the man she described as her ‘guardian angel’?

Stalin by Illingworth.
Stalin invades Europe. Original: Leslie Gilbert Illingworth.

East vs West

Here is what she had to say about him.

He fled his native motherland when Communist Russia invaded it with the blessing of America and what was once Great Britain.

The above sentence is rather important for our investigation, as it describes the photographer as someone with East-European roots.

At the Yalta Conference in 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt (USA), Winston Churchill (GB) and Joseph Stalin (Russia) divided Europe in a (mostly democratic) western and (communist) eastern part.

Later on there were different uprisings in the east. Iggy could be referring to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 that was stopped when the Soviet army invaded Budapest. Approximatively 200 000 Hungarians fled as refugees. Other uprisings took place in East Germany (1953), Poland (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968, but by then Feri Lukas was already in Great Britain).


Feri, short for Ferenc, is a name from Hungary. Although it roots can also be found in Croatia and (old) Germany.

Lukas (or Lúkas, Lukaš, Lukáš...) is pretty well established in Hungary. The surname can also be found in Czechia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia,... These countries (minus one: West Germany) were put under Russian hegemony after the second world war.

We can be pretty sure that Feri Lukas was Hungarian, or at least from the part of Europe that was behind the iron curtain.

(It may, or may not, be a coincidence but Feri Lukas’ boss Dezo Hoffmann was born in the Kingdom of Hungary, in a region that later became Czechoslovakia and that is now Slovakia.)


It is time to put two and two together.

  • In a chat from 2011, Iggy talked about a freelancing music magazine photographer with East European roots
  • In a photo magazine from 1970 a picture of a woman who looks exactly like Iggy is found.
  • The picture is from a photographer, with an obvious East European name, who happened to be a photographer for a music magazine in the late sixties.

Needless to say this is enough circumstantial evidence to convince us. The girl in the picture must be Iggy.

Iggy in 1967.
Iggy in 1967. Picture: Feri Lukas?

More from Iggy

Once Iggy started talking there was no way stopping her. So it is no wonder she had more things to say about Feri Lukas, during that chat in 2011.

Anyway he lived in Earls Court, at the gay end. I didn’t have a clue and who cares. He was my protector and provider and took thousands of the most stunning pics. He introduced me to top agents, Ready Steady Go and took me to the first Glastonbury festival and the Isle of Wight.
He would always take pictures of me as well. I wish I could remember which festival or what music paper where he had got me on the front page, but I do remember I had plaits and a band round my forehead... I looked like Pocahontas, the red Indian squaw.

That is the picture that was taken at the 1967 National Jazz, Pop, Ballads and Blues Festival at Windsor. (See: Iggy - a new look in festivals)

Later on he introduced me to top modelling agencies and trendy photographers. I even got to meet the great David Puttman for a Camay soap TV-ad where I was lying in a bath with lots of bubbles. We spent ages in his office giggling and laughing while he tried to apologise. I was the wrong type as the soap company was looking for big blue-eyed blondes like Twiggy or Jean [Shrimpton].

So there we have it. Not only a new Iggy picture has been unearthed, but we may also have found who was behind Iggy’s legendary Pocahontas picture.

Murray Head.
Murray Head.

A last word from Iggy

Iggy also remembered that a good friend of Feri Lukas (if she was still talking about the same man) was ‘the singer of the musical Hair’, Murray Head. Just another celebrity she encountered.

To access the photographer’s studio you had to climb on a ladder, something Iggy did multiple times. Probably that studio was just below the roof of the house. Bit by bit that place was converted into a huge Iggy shrine.

I remember one photographer who had covered a whole studio wall with pics of me. There was a whole batch of rather naughty ones. I hope they will never be discovered.

Please excuse us, dear Iggy, but we would like to hope the opposite. For historic research, obviously.

The Church wishes to thank: Bafupo, CBGB, Drosophila, Vita Filippova, Sara Harp, Alexander Peter Hoffmann, Elizabeth J., Lisa Newman, Old Man Peace, Joe Perry, Brynn Petty, Catherine Provenzano and the many contributors at Birdie Hop.
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Feri Lukas @ The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit:
Iggy - a new look in festivals 
Iggy - another festival, another look 
Amateur Photographer: New Iggy Picture Found! 
Feri Lukas, photographer 
Viennese Iggy Treasure Found! 

Some hi-res pictures can be found at our Tumblr page with the Feri Lukas tag.


Family Reunion

Maps of Mizoram.

That the internet can be a dark dangerous place is something we all know all too well. But once in a while, it sends a positive message around, a message of love, to quote Rich Hall in the song 'The Reverend', a song he wrote about Iggy The Eskimo. This will probably be the most relevant post in our twelve years history and Syd Barrett will not be mentioned once.

Mizoram, India

There appears to be an active Mizo community on the internet. The state of Mizoram lies in the North-Eastern part of India, bordering Myanmar and Bangladesh. It has about 1,100,000 citizens (2011 statistics).

After the independence from India (1947) it was not sure if the Lushai Hills would be annexed by Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India or even become an independent country, but in the end, it was incorporated in the union of India, which did not treat it respectfully, to put it euphemistically.

Mizo National Front uprising

For decades there were political and military troubles, with an armed uprising in 1966 and brutal countermeasures from India. Slowly some peaceful agreements were made and since 1987 Mizoram is a state of India, meaning it has its own government.

Iggy the Inuit Mizo

Probably by accident someone of the Mizo community stumbled upon a post of the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit. In our obituary for Iggy, we wrote that her ‘Indian’ roots were in Mizoram and not Pakistan as was generally believed.

This was shared on Mizo social networking groups where it was picked up by none other than Iggy’s relatives. It created quite a buzz, went viral and all of a sudden messages arrived on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, asking the Church for more information and pleading us to bring them in contact with Iggy’s siblings. Which obviously, we did.


Contact with Iggy’s parents was lost in February 1966 when Mizoram was plunged into an insurgency, also known as the Mizo National Front uprising. The central Indian government retaliated hard and restricted and censored all information coming in or going out of the district of Mizoram. All letters going through the national postal service were intercepted by the government and either censored or destroyed. As there was no digital communication in those days the Mizoram community was plunged into virtual isolation for nearly three decades.

Contact lost

When the situation normalised the Mizo family branch searched frantically for Iggy’s parents, going through Havant Council, Hampshire (where her parents used to live) and the UK's Ministry of Defence (as her father was in the military), but to no avail.

Four decades later, in 2021, the search was still going on, lead by Iggy's cousin Thana. His mother, now 93 years old, is Iggy’s aunt from his mother’s side.

Iggy’s mother, Angela (or Angelina) Chawngpuii married major Harry Charlton Joyce, a British army officer serving in India during and immediately after India’s independence. They had three children: Evelyn (better known as Iggy), Stephen and Elizabeth Anne.

Instagram Message
Instagram Message.


In our obituary from 2017, we revealed Iggy’s indigenous name, but it seems we had it wrong. Iggy told us, years ago, that her name was Laldowliani, but as we couldn’t find any trace of that we simplified it to Laldingliani which seemed more common.

Many of Iggy’s family members have written to us that it is, in fact, Laldawngliani. If we have learned one thing through the ages, it is that one should never ever doubt Iggy. We can hear her roaring laugh, followed by: "I TOLD YOU SO, FELIX!"


Iggy’s great-grandfather Thangphunga was the chieftain of three villages, including Chaltlang, now a suburb of Aizawl, Mizoram’s capital. The chieftainship was abolished by the Indian government when they annexed Mizoram, which had been an autonomous region before (but ruled by the British after the mid-nineteenth century).

As such Iggy’s family was held in great respect. Iggy’s great-grandmother, Thangpuilali was the daughter of another chieftain, Savunga Sailo.

Iggy’s relatives will have many more tales to tell, but these obviously have to stay in the family. What we can share, and we hope that nobody will mind, are some pictures that were unknown until now.

Most of them will also be published as well, in a better resolution, on our daily Tumblr using the Mizoram tag.


All pictures courtesy of Iggy's family, in Mizoram and the UK.

Aunt Chawngmawii
Aunt Chawngmawii.
Grandmother and her sisters.
Three generations.
Three generations, including baby Iggy.
Great-grandfather Thangphunga.
Iggy and brother.
Iggy and her brother.
Iggy and brother.
Iggy and her brother.
Iggy's mother.
Three sisters.
Three sisters.
RD Leta and wife.
RD Leta with wife Ngurtaiveli in 1919.
Wedding picture.
Wedding Picture.

Many thanks to Elizabeth Joyce, Hnamte Thanchungnunga, Noeeeayo (Rinnungi Pachuau), Racheliebe (Chha Dok Mi), Rosang Zuala, Tnama Hnamte, VL Zawni.
The Mizu online community: Ajay dep Thanga, Din Nyy, Elvee milai, Euisoo's left sock, Hmazil, Kima Sailo, Lalrin Liana, Lzi Dora Hmar, Mact mizoram, Mafela ralte, Panjee chhakchhuak, Park Yoongi, Ramtea Zote123, Rinapautu Pautu, Zolad… and all those we may have forgotten.
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥


Iggy takes India by Storm #6

Iggy by Vic Singh
Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015.

Part 6 of our Mizoram newspaper cuttings.

Last but not least: TOI. Wikipedia: The Times of India is an Indian English-language daily newspaper and digital news media owned and managed by The Times Group. It is the third-largest newspaper in India by circulation and largest selling English-language daily in the world.

It is the oldest English-language newspaper in India, and the second-oldest Indian newspaper still in circulation, with its first edition published in 1838. It is nicknamed as "The Old Lady of Bori Bunder", and is an Indian "newspaper of record".

Near the beginning of the 20th century, Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, called The Times of India "the leading paper in Asia". In 1991, the BBC ranked The Times of India among the world's six best newspapers.

Chandrima Banerjee published Pink Floyd Muse Iggy 'the Inuit' had Mizo roots.

(Text version under the image.)

Times Of India
Pink Floyd Muse Iggy the Inuit had Mizo roots
Pink Floyd Muse Iggy 'the Inuit' had Mizo roots.

(Text version)

TOI+ Pink Floyd muse Iggy 'the Inuit' had Mizo roots
Chandrima Banerjee.

All contact lost during Mizo uprising, one line in fan blog reunites family after 60 years

Whenever Evelyn 'Iggy' Rose was asked about her origins, she would mysteriously refer to "the Himalayas", no more. She was muse to Pink Floyd co-founder Syd Barrett, the naked cover girl of his debut album and his lover. Seen at Jimi Hendrix's UK debut, in an Anthony Stern film, and in a cult British magazine New Musical Express' (NME) feature, her world was one of musicians, artists and psychedelia. When her mixed-race appearance was exoticised in the London of the 'bos, she gave the name "Eskimo" to an NME photographer as a joke and another origin story stuck – Iggy "the Eskimo" or Iggy "the Inuit”. Now, four years after her death, the pieces of the puzzle have finally come together – the charming socialite of the Swinging London was actually from the hills of Mizoram.

"Iggy's Mizo name was Laldawngliani," Rosangzuala, 48, whose great grandmother and Iggy's grandmother were sisters, told TOI. “I had been looking for Iggy and our England family since 2008. I joined Facebook to look for them. But nothing turned up ... Days ago, I saw a post in a local Mizoram Facebook group which mentioned a blog which said Iggy 'the Inuit' might be a Mizo ... If not for Iggy's relationship with Syd Barrett, we might not have found them. I thank Pink Floyd fans for helping us reunite the family." Iggy's mother Chawngpuii and her sisters. One of them, Chawngmawii, is 93 and lives in Kolasib

What Rosangzuala and his family knew, and many did not, was this – Iggy's great-grandfather Thangphunga was a chieftain of three Mizoram villages now consolidated as Chaltlang, and her mother Chawngpuii (her English name was Angela) had married British Army officer Harry Charlton Joyce who was serving in India and had then left for Yemen, followed by England. "Her father was posted with the Royal Engineers," said Rosangzuala. "He was a Major when he married Chawngpuii."

Iggy's great-grandfather Thangphunga was a chieftain of three Mizoram villages

In 1966, what was then the Mizo district and would later become the state of Mizoram was caught in a struggle for autonomy. Letters coming into the state would be examined by the government and, many believe, destroyed. “The last time we received a letter from Iggy's father, he was a Brigadier. After that, all communication stopped."

Around this time, Iggy was attending art school, meeting Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Brian Jones and Keith Moon, and attending counterculture concerts like the '14 Hour Technicolour Dream', headlined by Pink Floyd, says the first extensive profile of the socialite by British music journalist Mark Blake in 2011, before she started living with Syd Barrett.

Years passed, and though her family in Mizoram knew about her, they could not figure out how to get in touch with their relatives in England. "Iggy's younger aunt, Chawngmawii, is 93. She lives in Kolasib (along with two of Iggy's first cousins). Iggy's elder aunt used to visit us often but she died years ago. I had promised her I would find them some day," said Rosangzuala. The last place they knew Iggy's parents lived was Havant, so they contacted the Borough Council there. It didn't help. Then, they wrote to the UK's defence ministry, hoping the military ties might throw up a lead. It didn't.

The Facebook post Rosangzuala saw now finally established a trail. It was a single line in a 2017 obituary - she died a day before turning 70 – in a blog called The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit (which replaced “Inuit" with “Mizo" later) which had resurfaced on Facebook: "Iggy's mother, so was confirmed to us, wasn't from Pakistan, but from Mizoram, situated at the North-East of India, sharing borders with Bangladesh and Myanmar."

Rosangzuala got in touch with the blog post's author. "He was called Felix. He helped us contact Iggy's family in England online," Rosangzuala said. "Iggy's cousin Thana has connected with her brother, Stephen. He has a Mizo name, too."

Many thanks to the Mizoram online community!
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Iggy takes India by Storm #5

Iggy by Vic Singh
Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015.

Part 5 of our Mizoram newspaper cuttings.

The Nort-Eastern Chronicle (TNEC) is a Digital Media Agency headquartered in Guwahati, Assam. The Agency is a (NEWS) worthy bytes curator and storytelling medium for the region and the globe! They wrote: Pink Floyd Founding Member Syd Barrett had a relation with Mizoram; All you need to know.

(Text version under the image.)

Pink Floyd Founding Member Syd Barrett had a relation with Mizoram
Pink Floyd Founding Member Syd Barrett had a relation with Mizoram; All you need to know.

(Text version)

Pink Floyd Founding Member Syd Barrett had a relation with Mizoram; All you need to know
by Editorial

The past holds many interesting stories, and one such tale brought a Mizo family in contact with their long-lost relative three years after her death. Surprisingly enough, the relative turned out to be Iggy the Eskimo - the Girl who captured the spirit of the '60s.

The one-time girlfriend of Syd Barrett, the founding member of Pink Floyd, happens to be born of a Mizo mother and a British father. She was born as Evelyn Joyce but was most commonly known as 'Iggy the Eskimo' and 'Iggy the Inuit'. Her long dark hair, lovely Asian features, button nose, and baby face captured the eyes of the London public.

As per reports, it has come to light that Iggy Rose had a Mizo mother named Chawngpuii, while Iggy was born somewhere in present-day Pakistan. She did her schooling in India and Aden before moving to England. Her entry into the spotlight was as abrupt as her disappearance from it. Only after the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit launched a mission to bring her back four decades later, they connected with the maternal side of her family in Mizoram.

Iggy's mother had lost contact with her family in 1966 during the Mizos' Uprising. Rosangliana, one of Iggy's relatives in Mizoram, said, "After Mizoram returned to normalcy following the 1986 peace accord, we resumed the search for Iggy's parents, going through Havant Council Hampshire and the UK's Ministry of Defence, but to no avail."

After they came across a post about Iggy on the internet, they managed to connect to her family in London. Her brother and sister were excited to have found the other half of their family. Iggy fan page was rechristened as Iggy the Mizo following the discovery.

Many thanks to the Mizoram online community!
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Iggy takes India by Storm #4

Iggy by Vic Singh
Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015.

Part 4 of our Mizoram newspaper cuttings.

TIME8 is a digital news medium from Northeast India, ushering a revolution in terms of news collection, unbiased storytelling and fearless journalism powered by raw energy of youth with the tenacity of seasoned journalists. They offer an extensive newsfeed covering politics, policy, sports, entertainment, fashion, art and wellness and of course, web culture.

And what did they publish about Iggy? Surprise! Pink Floyd’s founding member Syd Barrett’s muse roots discovered in Mizoram.

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Pink Floyd’s founding member Syd Barrett’s muse roots discovered in Mizoram
Pink Floyd’s founding member Syd Barrett’s muse roots discovered in Mizoram.

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Surprise! Pink floyd's founding member Syd Barrett's muse's roots discovered in Mizoram
The one-time girlfriend and love interest of Syd Barrett was born to a Mizo mother and a British father Image by Byron's Muse

Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb, Another Brick On The Wall! Do these ring a bell in your ears? If yes, you are right there! And if no, then well, let me reveal to you an astonishing story! These are one of the famous songs of the groundbreaking English rock band named 'Pink Floyd'! The songs that have the musical power to give you goosebumps! Now, let me unearth something for you all to know.

Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett was one of the founding members of the band that was formed in 1965. If you want to know more about this famous man, you can find a great amount of information in the world of the internet but one of the interesting sides of his life was his romantic life. Barrett had relationships with various women. Among them, one of the women named Evelyn "Iggy" Rose (aka "Iggy the Eskimo", "Iggy the Inuit") has a northeastern connection! Yes. You read it right! This is what the story is about.

The one-time girlfriend and love interest of Syd Barrett was born to a Mizo mother and a British father. She was born as Evelyn Joyce but most commonly referred as "Iggy the Eskimo", "Iggy the Inuit", owing to her alleged Inuit (a member of an indigenous people of northern Canada and parts of Greenland and Alaska) heritage.

She passed away at the age of 69 in London in 2017 and right three years after her death, her roots were discovered amidst the hills of Mizoram. How did the discovery happen and unfold? There happens to be a website dedicated to Iggy by her fans where someone from Mizoram stumbled upon a post in the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit website.

Iggy Rose's Mizo mother named Chawngpuii married a British army officer named Harry Joyce who was serving in the then British-ruled India. Iggy was born somewhere in present-day Pakistan. She was given a native name (Laldawngliani) as well by her mother which stands for 'Gift of Gods', in a language Iggy never spoke.

Before moving to England, she did her schooling in India and Aden. She had a mark in the spotlight. Just the way she made her debut appearance was the similar way she abruptly disappeared from the spotlight scene. It is only when the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit launched a mission to bring her back four decades later, they connected with the maternal side of her family in Mizoram.

In her teenage years, Iggy was known to be a mysterious figure in the 1960's London's music scene. She had remarkable Asian facial features which made her one of the most attractive women in the music industry. She was also known as a 'Flower Child', a synonym for Hippies and she dated the likes of Eric Clapton, Rolling Stones' Keith Richards and of course, as I mentioned, the most famous, Syd Barrett

Iggy also made a nude appearance on the cover of Syd Barett's solo album 'The Madcap Laughs which made her unforgettable. In April 1967, Iggy joined the counter-culture throng in Alexandra Palace for The 14-Hour Technicolor Dream-"all 14 hours of it!"-where Floyd played a hypnotic set at dawn.

In 1967, Iggy made her film debut in a short documentary titled IN Gear which was screened as a supporting film in cinemas around the country.

In the year 1966, Iggy's mother lost contacts with her family due to the Mizos' uprising. One of Iggy's relatives in Mizoram named Rosangliana said, "After Mizoram returned to normalcy following the 1986 peace accord, we resumed the search for Iggy's parents, going through Havant Council Hampshire and the UK's Ministry of Defence, but to no avail."

A post regarding Iggy was being updated on the internet and after that, her story came into light, they managed to connect to her family in London. Iggy's brother and sister were elated to have discover the other half of their family. Iggy's fan page is given a new name as Iggy the Mizo following the discovery.

Many thanks to the Mizoram online community!
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Iggy takes India by Storm #3

Iggy by Vic Singh
Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015.

Part 3 of our Mizoram newspaper cuttings.

ThePrint (in one word) is an Indian online newspaper, based in New Delhi, launched in August 2017 by editor Shekhar Gupta. It is sharply focused on politics and policy, government and governance. Its leadership team includes India’s most experienced and respected journalists with proven track records in the finest news organisations.

Myithili Hazarika wrote: Pink Floyd muse Evelyn ‘Iggy’ Rose had Mizo roots – 4 yrs after her death, the families connect.

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Pink Floyd muse Evelyn ‘Iggy’ Rose had Mizo roots
Pink Floyd muse Evelyn ‘Iggy’ Rose had Mizo roots.

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Pink Floyd muse Evelyn ‘Iggy’ Rose had Mizo roots – 4 yrs after her death, the families connect

Evelyn 'Iggy' Rose's mother was from Mizoram who married British Army officer Harry Joyce

New Delhi: A little over three years after her death in 2017, the family of Evelyn 'Iggy' Rosethe enigmatic girlfriend of Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett, who appeared on the cover of his album 'The Madcap Laughs' — was able to reconnect with her relatives in Mizoram recently.

Rose's mother was Chawngpuii, a Mizo woman, and her father a British army officer, Harry Joyce. The couple married in Aizawl in 1946. Rose, born a year later, had a Mizo middle name 'Laldawngliani'.

Also known as 'Iggy The Eskimo Girl' or 'Iggy The Innuit', Rose had achieved cult status in the 1960s Swinging London, with her long dark hair and Asian features. Such had been her popularity that there is a fan site in her honour called, 'The Holy Church of Iggy The Innuit (now renamed as 'The Holy Church of Iggy The Mizo').

In an interview to British journalist Mark Blake, Rose had recalled how her father travelled to a "remote village in the Himalayas" where "he met the woman that would become my mother".

But the two families lost touch in 1966 during the Mizo insurgency days.

Rosangliana, one of her relatives in Mizoram, told The Assam Tribune, "After Mizoram returned to normalcy following the 1986 peace accord, we resumed the search for Iggy's parents...but to no avail."

It was only weeks ago that someone from Mizoram stumbled upon a post on her fan site and alerted the family. "A few days later, a guy named Felix (who runs the fan site) gave us information about Iggy's siblings," Rosangliana said, and added: “We have contacted Iggy's brother Stephen and sister Elizabeth.”

Many thanks to the Mizoram online community!
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Iggy takes India by Storm #2

Iggy by Vic Singh
Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015.

Part 2 of our Mizoram newspaper cuttings.

IndiaTimes (IT) is a portal that seems to be linked to the newspaper The Times of India (TOI), published by Times Internet Limited and powered by Indiatimes Lifestyle Network. It has an elaborate article titled: Pink Floyd’s Muse Iggy ‘The Inuit’ Was Reportedly From The Hills Of Mizoram, written by Basit Aijaz.

(Text version under the image.)

Pink Floyd’s Muse Iggy The Inuit Was Reportedly From The Hills Of Mizoram.
Pink Floyds Muse Iggy The Inuit Was Reportedly From The Hills Of Mizoram.
Pink Floyd’s Muse Iggy ‘The Inuit’ Was Reportedly From The Hills Of Mizoram.

(Text version)

Pink Floyd’s Muse Iggy ‘The Inuit’ Was Reportedly From The Hills Of Mizoram
Basit Aijaz


* Now, four years after her death, it has all come together the charming socialite was from the hills of Mizoram.

* It was reported that Iggy's great-grandfather Thangphunga was a chieftain of three Mizoram villages now consolidated as Chaltlang.

* It all, though, falls into place with this revelation - her mother Chawngpuii (her English name was Angela) had married British Army officer Harry Charlton Joyce who was serving in India and had then left for Yemen, followed by England.

Evelyn 'Iggy' Rose, a friend, a model and possible love interest of Pink Floyd co-founder Syd Barrett graced the scene of his debut album in the 1960s.

Her figure has always engulfed in mystery and whenever Iggy was requested about her origins, she would mysteriously confer with "the Himalayas”. There has always been an interest in her origins.

While her looks attracted attention, it was her personality that charmed the London Scene. When her mixed-race appearance was exoticised in the London of the '60s, she gave the name "Eskimo" to a photographer as a joke and another origin story stuck, Iggy "the Inuit".

Now, four years after her death, it has all come together - the charming socialite was from the hills of Mizoram.

"Iggy's Mizo title was Laldawngliani,” Rosangzuala, 48, whose grandmother and Iggy's grandmother had been sisters, told The Times of India.

"I had been looking for Iggy and our England family since 2008. I joined Facebook to look for them. But nothing turned up... Days ago, I saw a post in a local Mizoram Facebook group which mentioned a blog which said Iggy 'the Inuit might be a Mizo ... If not for Iggy's relationship with Syd Barrett, we might not have found them. I thank Pink Floyd fans for helping us reunite the family," Rosangzuala said.

It was reported that Iggy's great-grandfather Thangphunga was a chieftain of three Mizoram villages now consolidated as Chaltlang.

It all, though, falls into place with this revelation - her mother Chawngpuii (her English name was Angela) had married British Army officer Harry Charlton Joyce who was serving in India and had then left for Yemen, followed by England.

"Her father was posted with the Royal Engineers. He was a Major when he married Chawngpuii," Rosangzuala added.

In 1966, what was then the Mizo district and would later become the state of Mizoram was caught in a struggle for autonomy. Letters coming into the state would be censored by the government and, many believe, destroyed.

"The last time we received a letter from Iggy's father, he was a Brigadier. After that, all communication stopped.” Around this time, Iggy was attending art school, meeting some iconic pop stars of the time - Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Brian Jones and Keith Moon.

She was also attending counterculture concerts like the '14 Hour Technicolour Dream', headlined by Pink Floyd, says the first extensive profile of the socialite by British music journalist Mark Blake in 2011, before she started living with Syd Barrett.

While years passed and though her family in Mizoram knew about her, they could not figure out how to get in touch with their relatives in England.

It was only through the Facebook post that Rosangzuala saw that finally established a trail. It was a single line in a 2017 obituary - she died a day before turning 70 - in a blog called The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit (which replaced “Inuit” with “Mizo" later) which had resurfaced on Facebook

Many thanks to the Mizoram online community!
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Iggy takes India by Storm #1

Iggy by Vic Singh
Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015

On the end of May 2021 the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit was consulted by a visitor from Mizoram who found it interesting enough to share on a Facebook group.

There it was picked up by an Indian relative of Iggy. The Mizo branch had lost contact with the English family members in the sixties, when there had been a military conflict between India and Mizoram freedom fighters.

In the aftermath of the conflict the Indian government censored all letters to and from Mizoram and communication was lost between Iggy’s mother and her family in north-east India.

So imagine the emotions from Iggy’s nephews and nieces when they found out that, perhaps, after a half-century gap they could get in contact again with their long-lost family, living in Great-Britain.

In Mizo circles the Holy Church went viral and the Reverend was contacted by quite a few people. You can read about it in Family Reunion.

Meanwhile the Indian press got hold of the news and in the next few posts we will highlight some of these articles.

The Northeast Today is a digital portal and they had a news snippet on Twitter. Unfortunately we couldn’t track down the article.

NET Snippet on Twitter
Did You know: Pink Floyd and 'Iggy the Inuit had a Mizoram connection.

The Assam Tribune, so says Wikipedia, is an Indian English daily newspaper published from Guwahati and Dibrugarh, Assam. With over 700,000 copies of current circulation and a readership of over 3 million, it is the highest circulated English daily in northeastern India.

They published the article Iggy the Inuit found to have roots in Mizoram, written by Zodin Sanga.

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Iggy the Inuit found to have roots in Mizoram
Iggy the Inuit found to have roots in Mizoram @ The Assam Tribune.

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Iggy the Inuit found to have roots in Mizoram

A Mizo family in Aizawl found their long lost relative, three years after her death, and she turned out to be Pink Floyd's founding member Syd Barrett's one-time girlfriend who achieved cult status in the 'Swinging London' during the late 1960s.

The woman with Mizo links is none other than Evelyn 'Iggy' Rose (born Evelyn Joyce), most commonly referred to as 'Iggy the Eskimo' and 'Iggy the Inuit', owing to her alleged Inuit heritage.

However, someone from Mizoram stumbled upon a post in the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit - a website dedicated to Iggy by her fans. The discovery came three years after Iggy died in London at the age of 69 in 2017.

Now, it has come to light that Iggy Rose had a Mizo mother named Chawngpuii, who had married British army officer Harry Joyce who was serving in the then British-ruled India. Chawngpuii gave her first child a Mizo middle name 'LaIdawngliani'.

Iggy's maternal greatgrandfather Thangphunga was the chieftain of three villages, including Chaltlang, now a part of Aizawl.

The marriage took place in Aizawl in 1946. Iggy was born a year later somewhere in present-day Pakistan.

She attended school in India and Aden, before moving to England. As a teenager, Iggy became a mysterious figure in the 1960s London's music scene. With her long dark hair and lovely Asian features, she became one of the most attractive Flower Children', synonym for Hippies, dating the likes of Eric Clapton, Keith Richards of Rolling Stones, and most famously Syd Barrett.

It was her nude appearance on the cover of Syd Barrett's solo album The Madcap Laughs that made her most memorable.

Iggy gained notoriety by appearing in a newsreel shot at Granny Takes a Trip and in Melody Maker, demonstrating a new dance. She then disappeared from the scene as abruptly as she appeared, believed to be married to a rich man and lived a reclusive life.

Almost four decades later, the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit launched a mission to find Iggy and bring her back to the spotlight. The mission was accomplised, and also helped Iggy's maternal relatives in Mizoram discover who they had been searching for.

Rosangliana, one of Iggy's relatives in Mizoram, said they lost contact with Iggy's mother in 1966 when Mizoram plunged into an insurgency, also known as the Mizos' Uprising.

The Government of India restricted and censored all information coming in or going out of Mizoram, then a district under Assam. All letters going through the national postal service were intercepted by the Government and either censored or destroyed.

"After Mizoram returned to normalcy following the 1986 peace accord, we resumed the search for Iggy's parents, going through Havant Council, Hampshire (where her parents used to live) and the UK's Ministry of Defence (as her father was in the military), but to no avail," Rosangliana said.

A few weeks back, the family was informed when someone came across this post about Iggy on the internet.

"We immediately wrote to the website seeking more details about Iggy and her family in London," Rosangliana said.

"A few days later, a guy from London named Felix got back to us, giving us information about Iggy's siblings - a brother and a sister who still live in England.

"We have contacted Iggy's brother Stephen and her sister Elizabeth. They were so excited to find us," he said.

Iggy's 93-year-old aunt Chawngmawii is still alive and lives with her children in Kolasib in northern Mizoram.

After the discovery of her Mizo roots, the fan page Iggy The Inuit was was rechristened as Iggy The Mizo.

Many thanks to the Mizoram online community!
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥


Once upon a time in India

Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015.
Iggy by legendary Pink Floyd photographer Vic Singh, 2015.

The Times Of India, the oldest English-language newspaper in India, posted a follow-up article about Iggy’s Mizo roots. The first article was called Pink Floyd Muse Iggy 'the Inuit' had Mizo roots and can be found here: Iggy takes India by Storm #6.

For the follow-up journalist Chandrima Banerjee contacted Iggy's sister Elizabeth and none other than yours truly, the Reverend of the Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit.

Elizabeth is planning to visit Mizoram and meet her family over there…

I’ve never been to India. I’m going to visit my relatives in Mizoram with my partner Rob next year, depending on the Covid-19 situation, obviously, I’m really buzzed about it.

Elizabeth also mentions a few things we didn’t know. Iggy was born in Rawalpindi (Pakistan), her brother Stephen in Dhaka (Bangladesh).

If you want to know what the Reverend had to say, you’ll need to consult Chandrima Banerjee’s article: Pink Floyd muse Iggy’s English & Mizo families to reunite after 60 years (URL: Times of India).

(Text version under the image.)

Pink Floyd muse Iggys English & Mizo families to reunite after 60 years
Pink Floyd muse Iggys English & Mizo families to reunite after 60 years.
Pink Floyd muse Iggy's English & Mizo families to reunite after 60 years.

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Floyd muse Iggy's English & Mizo families to reunite after 60 years

Her name, Laldawngliani, was known only to a chosen few. She had not seen her family in faraway Mizoram since she was a child. And the few memories she had of the time she spent there were, perhaps, coloured by distance and imagination - like the time a cat in her garden she wanted to pet turned out to be a tiger. Evelyn "Iggy" Rose, counterculture cover girl of the London of the '60s, had locked away her link to India for as long as she lived. But now, brought together by a blog post, the English and Mizo families of Iggy Rose, who had been sundered apart for six decades by the Mizo rebellion, will finally meet.

"I don't know how to adequately describe what it's like to reconnect with my Mizo family. It's an amazing experience. This is a very emotional time for me," Elizabeth Joyce, Iggy's sister, told TOI. "I've never been to India. I'm going to visit my relatives in Mizoram with my partner Rob next year, depending on the Covid-19 situation, obviously. I'm really buzzed about it."

Elizabeth is 62 now, having retired after years documenting artefacts in museums. "Our parents met at the end of the Second World War, when our father was in the army and stationed in Mizoram — then, the Lushai Hills. He was a Major at the time. They have happy memories of that period in their lives. Father said it was a very beautiful and fascinating region. He seemed to have been struck by the remoteness of the place," said Elizabeth. She was born at Worthing, Sussex, in England and does not have a Mizo name. "Evelyn Laldawngliani was born in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) on 12 December, 1947. (Our brother) Stephen Lalungmuana was born in Dhaka (Bangladesh) in January 1949."

For about three weeks now, Mizo social media groups have been bustling with the "discovery" that the muse to Pink Floyd co-founder Syd Barrett had roots in the hill state. The blog from which this emerged, 'The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit', had posted a single line about it in 2017, which someone from Mizoram chanced upon, posted on local social media and it blew up. Someone got in touch with the blog's author and it turned out Iggy's mother, Chawngpuii, was Mizo.

"Basically, this was confirmed to me by a family member, after Iggy had passed away. During her life, we just said she was from the Himalayas or Pakistan as we didn't have a more accurate description. Iggy had always been very discreet about her roots... Apparently the family was attacked during one of the disturbances and they had to flee the country. I don't know where and when this happened. Iggy's father was a British army man and as such a symbol of the oppressor ... Iggy was of the opinion that this wasn't something that should be known to the outside world," Felix Atagong, 61, who runs the blog, told TOI. "Iggy only spoke scarcely about India, but that was perhaps because she was a toddler when living there. There is only the anecdote how she wanted to pet the cat in the garden that actually was a tiger. But I'm not certain how truthful that story is. It's typically Iggy though."

The two sides of the family lost touch in the '60s. "After the Mizoram disturbance, we lost contact with them. Due to the insurgency, there was a lot of problem," Rosangzuala, 48, an extended family member, told TOI. "Six decades later, because of the internet, we found them."

Just as mysterious as her origin story was the coda to Iggy's '60s life. "For decades, nothing was known about her, apart from the fact that she was nicknamed Iggy the Eskimo and that she had been living with Syd for about two weeks. After the sleeve picture (on Barrett's debut album, 'The Madcap Laughs') had been taken, she disappeared out of his life and nobody knew what had become of her, after 1970," Atagong, who started his blog in 2008 and had been in touch with Iggy since 2010, said. But she didn't exactly disappear. "There was no social media in the '60s, so it appeared that Iggy simply vanished while she was literally just a few blocks away, socialising with people from underground circles - musicians, actors, photographers, movie makers. Unfortunately, this mostly stayed undocumented," he added. "After a while, the psychedelic free ride' days were over and in the mid-'70s, she looked for a job on a horse farm where she met her husband. They moved to a little village where she lived for the rest of her life."

An IT manager who started the blog for a lark, Felix, too, is now deeply invested in this family reunion. "I'm a geek who takes his Pink Floyd-Syd Barrett-Iggy the Eskimo fandom too seriously.... Since I was eight, I wanted to be a writer or a journalist like Tintin and I feel a blog is the exact medium for that. And from time to time it is really worthwhile, like now with the reunion of the Iggy family," he said. “I care more for this family reunion than for a new Pink Floyd record. I regard this as the most important event that happened on my blog, next to the discovery' of Iggy herself."

Many thanks to: Chandrima Banerjee and the Mizoram online community!
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥


The Iggy Exhibition at A Fleeting Glimpse

Pink Floydz Banner
Pink Floydz - A Fleeting Glimpse - banner.

Pink Floydz, better known as A Fleeting Glimpse is one of the top 3 Pink Floyd fan sites around. Created in June 1998 by Col Turner it has had millions of visitors ever since.

In 2017 Col gave the keys of this house of trust to Liam Creedon who updated the portal and made it more accessible for our modern times.

A Fleeting Glimpse has been endorsed by many band associates and Pink Floyd scholars and we are proud to announce The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit is now one of them.

Asked by Liam to add an Iggy Rose entry we didn’t have to think a long time to agree, but as usual, our ongoing habit to procrastinate lasted 3 months before we finally put something on paper.

But now it has been finalised and here it is: A Fleeting Glimpse Announce ‘Iggy The Eskimo’ Exhibit.

Iggy The Eskimo exhibition @ A Fleeting Glimpse
Iggy The A Fleeting Glimpse Announce ‘Iggy The Eskimo’ Exhibit.
A Fleeting Glimpse is proud to announce the Iggy the Eskimo exhibit.

In collaboration with The Holy Church of Iggy The Inuit social media page, we have set up a brand new exhibit highlighting the cult status of Iggy the Eskimo.

Iggy was one of Syd Barrett‘s girlfriends in 1969. Who is most famous for being the model for the Syd Barrett album The Madcap Laughs. It was rumoured that Iggy the Eskimo, was part Inuit. With that statement in mind and the fact that she used to be a (former) girlfriend of movie maker Anthony Stern, that was about all that was publicly known.

In the early 1970s, she simply disappeared from Syd’s life and the public eye without a trace, only to later reappear in the public eye after 40 years out of the limelight.

Having taken to social media again and interacting with fans all over the world, she firmly reacquainted herself with her cult status and continued to engage with her following until her saddened death in 2017.

In this brand new exhibit, you can read the back story of who actually took the photographs used for Syd’s Madcap Laughs album, discover more about her relationship with Eric Clapton, and hear the story of when she thought Syd Barrett was cheating on her, which subsequently turned out to be him visiting David Gilmour.
Iggy The Eskimo Image Banner
Iggy The Eskimo Image Banner @ A Fleeting Glimpse.

The Iggy Rose exhibition can be visited here:

Many thanks to: Liam Creedon, Elizabeth Joyce.
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥


Viennese Iggy Treasure Found!

Feri Lukas 1974
Feri Lukas 1974.

So mystic and soulful

Photographer and artist Kevin Geronimo Brandtner is a collector of all things beautiful and curious, from Vienna, Austria. On one of his discovery expeditions, end of June 2023, he entered a second-hand shop and… Well, why don’t we let him tell about it?

I happened to be in a second-hand shop today. As I work in the darkroom myself, this contact print was interesting. When I got home I realised it was Iggy Rose (Iggy the Eskimo/Inuit) the muse of former Pink Floyd guitarist Syd Barrett. The pictures seem to be unknown because I can't find them anywhere. (.../...)
So many questions. The photographer seems to have been Lukas Feri. Little is known about him either. The print is original from the 70s with markings.

A man in the dark in a picture frame

In the right side corner, Feri’s name can be seen with the year 1974. This messes up Iggy’s timeline as far as we know it. We always thought that her pictures, taken by Lukas, dated from the end of the sixties.

Of course, there is a chance that Lukas developed the negatives years later, but perhaps it is safer to conclude that Iggy frequented the photographer for several years.

Feri Lukas Contact Sheet
Feri Lukas Contact Sheet.

Alone in the night as the daylight brings

The contact sheet has 32 pictures in total, numbered from 1 to 35. (Two pictures are black, and one – number 11 – has been cut out.) And while some pictures can make you doubt, others have the typical Iggy characteristics we all like: her eternal cigarette, a glass of wine and obviously that mischievous smile. None of these pictures have been seen before.

We are not going to repeat the Feri Lukas story here, we have done that already in two Sherlock-Holmes-like features: Amateur Photographer: New Iggy Picture Found! And Feri Lukas, photographer, co-written by one of Lukas’ nephews. It appears that Lukas’ photo archive was sold on a Hungarian flea market after he died, and this contact print travelled in mysterious ways from Budapest to Vienna.

Enough blah-blah-blah, you are all here to watch the pictures, aren’t you? They will also be posted on Tumblr in a slightly bigger format, with the tags Iggy the Eskimo, Feri Lukas and KGB (from Kevin Geronimo Brandtner).

Feri Lukas C1R1
Feri Lukas C1R2
Feri Lukas C1R3
Feri Lukas C1R4
Feri Lukas C1R5
Feri Lukas C2R1
Feri Lukas C2R2
Feri Lukas C2R4
Feri Lukas C2R5
Feri Lukas C3R1
Feri Lukas C3R2
Feri Lukas C3R3
Feri Lukas C3R4
Feri Lukas C4R1
Feri Lukas C4R2
Feri Lukas C4R3
Feri Lukas C4R4
Feri Lukas C4R5
Feri Lukas C4R5
Feri Lukas C5R1
Feri Lukas C5R2
Feri Lukas C5R3
Feri Lukas C5R4
Feri Lukas C5R5
Feri Lukas C6R1
Feri Lukas C6R2
Feri Lukas C6R3
Feri Lukas C6R4
Feri Lukas C7R1
Feri Lukas C7R2
Feri Lukas C7R3
Feri Lukas C7R4
Feri Lukas C7R5

The warmth of your hand

Nice to see you are still reading this. When it was confirmed that the pictures were indeed of Iggy, Kevin returned to the same shop a few days later.

He searched through the same carton box and found some of Feri’s city shots, fashion and nude photographs, including two Iggy large-format darkroom prints that he had missed before. Here they are.

Iggy the Eskimo by Feri Lukas
Iggy by Feri Lukas.
Iggy the Eskimo by Feri Lukas
Iggy by Feri Lukas.

Haunting notes, pizzicato strings

A great, great thank you to Kevin Geronimo Brandtner. He adds a new country to our growing list of Iggy contributors. We have had valuable discoveries from Australia, England, France, Hong Kong, Russia, the USA, and now from Austria.

While some people think I’m undoubtedly mad I am not the guy to fall for a simple superstition. But isn’t it weird that whenever I think that my Iggy adventures are over there is a new discovery falling from the skies?

It is as if Iggy wants to say to all of us: ‘Don’t forget me’. Be sure, Iggy, we won’t.

Many thanks to: Kevin Geronimo Brandtner.
♥ Iggy ♥ Libby ♥

Kevin Geronimo Brandtner has several Facebookpages, including:
Mail art archive Vienna - MAAV
Papiergedanken - Collage Art

Feri Lukas @ The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit:
Iggy - a new look in festivals 
Iggy - another festival, another look 
Amateur Photographer: New Iggy Picture Found! 
Feri Lukas, photographer 
Viennese Iggy Treasure Found! 


A Garden in Brighton

Iain Emo Moore
Iain Emo Moore.

Iain Emo Moore

We don’t have to introduce Emo to vintage Pink Floyd scholars. Apart from an incredible memory, he seems to have an almost infinite Floydian picture archive. At regular intervals, he posts these on one of his (many) Facebook pages.

New Iggy Picture Found?

In December 2023, Emo posted a (censored) picture of a topless woman sitting next to a man in a garden, claiming this is Iggy in the early seventies.

The picture is cracked in many places and has faded after all these years. It shows a skinny woman looking at a man on her left. At first sight, one can doubt that this is Iggy. 

Iggy look-alikes

Over the years, we have received pictures of people thought to be Iggy. For instance, the pictures of Sheila Rock that were shot by her then-husband, Mick Rock, in Syd’s garden, were once believed to be Iggy. (See: Rock around the Blog, 2009.)

Other examples are a woman walking on King’s Road, taken by John Hendy (see: King's Road Chic(k), 2013) or a famous picture, taken at the Speakeasy (see: Little old lady from London-by-the-Sea, 2010). Not Iggy.

Pros and cons

We have had the ‘Iggy or not’ discussion with almost every new Iggy picture that has been found in the past.

Iggy, Brighton, early 1970s
Iggy, Brighton, early 1970s. Picture found by Emo.

The new picture shows a pretty skinny woman, and this isn’t really how we remember Iggy from other images from that era. But pictures can deceive. The quality is such that the woman’s face is partially rendered invisible by some shadowy patches.

Iggy in Brighton Iggy in 1969 (mirrored)
Iggy in Brighton, early 1970s, and Iggy in 1969 (mirrored). Both from Emo's collection.

The story

What makes us believe this is Iggy is the background story told by Emo. According to him, the picture dates from the early 1970s and was taken in Brighton. The man sitting next to Iggy is a certain Geoffrey, whom we know nothing about. Emo explains:

I can’t remember Geoffrey’s second name. There are other pictures in the garden. I’m going to look for them. There are a couple of friends, a sister and brother, John and Sally...

Pete Brown got some in Spain, I think; that’s where he is now. And he has got some of Syd as well, in Wetherby Mansions. He’s going to try and find them. He’s got some of Syd, I think, on the market square in Cambridge, which would be 1964. He took them when he was fifteen and Syd was eighteen. Syd was sitting on the fountain.

But he does have several of Iggy, walking through the garden. And a couple of her laughing, if we can find them. She looks really thin here, doesn’t she? Let’s see how many people will tell, that’s not Iggy! If you zoom in on her face you’ll be able to see her features.

At this point, Emo added some details about Iggy that we won’t publish. These details (known to us) make his testimony more than believable. In a chat from many years ago, Iggy remembered having met Pete Brown in Brighton.

Someone described me as a loose cannon, never knowing what might come out of my big mouth or when I might explode, like a dormant volcano. That was from Pete Brown, whom I met in Brighton, where I went after London. He used to hang out with Syd and the Cambridge set.
Henrietta Partridge aka Henrietta Garnett
Henrietta Partridge, née: Henrietta Garnett.

Mark Palmer

Back to Emo:

It's the early seventies, and she looks as if she has lost a lot of weight. Not how chubby she was when she was at that hippy farm, with Henrietta [Garnett], a real go-getter, and Sir Mark Palmer, with his horses. I know about most of her life; Jenny Spires told me most things, and I heard bits from Syd [Barrett] and Duggie [Fields] as well. She got really thin by the time she was with Syd.

Emo is referring to aristocrat Mark Palmer, who organised a horse and wagon quest to Port Eliot in St. Germans, searching for UFOs and mythical Arthurian places along the way. Iggy, who hung around the English Boy agency at that time, joined the caravan and can be seen in a documentary from that time.

Next to Iggy, there were a lot of underground celebrities participating in the wacky adventure. Emo Moore further explains:

Henrietta [Garnett] was incredibly beautiful in the sixties, an upper-class English lady. She died a couple of years ago [2019]. Mark Palmer was a really sweet guy; he was so gentle, a true hippie. He made my stomach go funny because he was so laid back, and I started to go laid back. 1967, 68, 69. Because I was always in Chelsea, so was he in that period.

When I worked for Ossie Clark, I saw him all the time. He passed through to go to English Boy. He was still involved, but he wasn’t as involved as when he started it.

English Boy

Sir Charles Mark Palmer opened the English Boy modelling agency in 1965. It was located above the Quorum store, owned by Ossie Clark and Alice Pollock. They asked Iggy to model for them, but she refused. Although a loudmouth, she was very shy. But she kept hanging around the English Boy agency. Iggy explains why:

I had such a crush on Mark Palmer, lovely Denzil, and all the pretty boys and girls from the English Boy agency. Denzil was THE Ultimate Cool. He was an unrivalled leader. The sharpest dresser in hand-made Italian silk suits and the finest Italian shoes. Denzil epitomized style and elegance. He was the dandiest of the dandies. He made Beau Brummell look shabby.

It’s still a mystery to us who this Denzil character was, but here is a sample of the fine specimen that English Boy contained.

English Boy models
English Boy models, taken from Miss Peelpants.

Hippie world

The 1960s were a wonderful time, if we may believe Emo:

It was a bit hippie-jive. All these groovy places. Groovy pubs and clubs and rock ‘n’ roll dance places. Bookshops and all these clothing shops and underground meeting centres. Lots of things were going on, and normal people wouldn’t have known what happened in a lot of the bookshops. The films were in the basements and the backrooms, sometimes in the main shop when it was a big movie with a lot of people.

It started in 1964 when I was passing across these amazing, unique places with ‘Hey man, what’s up, man’ [Emo imitating Neil from The Young Ones]. That type of vibe...
Henrietta Moraes
Henrietta Moraes.

Henrietta Moraes

Henrietta Moraes was a muse of the London art (and drugs) scene in the fifties. Known for her hedonistic lifestyle she effortlessly entered the kippie underground of the sixties, where she hung around with Mark Palmer and his crazy followers. She wrote a book 'Henrietta' where she describes Palmer's quest through England and Wales. Although Iggy claimed they knew each other, there is no trace of Iggy in these memoirs, but neither is there of the other Henrietta (Partridge).

This probably proves that Mark Palmer organised different caravan quests in different years and with different people. One that was documented in the 'Hippies at the Port Eliot Estate in St Germans' documentary, with Iggy and Henrietta Partridge. Another one (probably) without Iggy, but with author Henrietta Moraes taking notes to appear in her autobiography. Emo:

I don’t know the other Henrietta [Moraes]. I have never seen her. If I had seen her, I would have recognised her. It sounds like it would’ve been a wonderful place where they were all hanging out with Mark Palmer. He had a couple of those gipsy caravans. I think he was riding around one in London when he was going to court or something.
Sir Mark Palmer at home
Sir Mark Palmer at home (Chelsea).

Mark Palmer (2)

Palmer was once arrested for cannabis possession and showed the judges he was a real British aristocrat, with a flair of eccentricity...

Palmer left the courthouse in a horse-drawn cart bedecked in chrysanthemums; ‘the metamorphosis,’ said somebody who knew him as a somewhat straighter fellow, ‘was so complete as to transcend mere affectation.’

In the book ‘Ready Steady Go!’, author Shawn Levy describes these aristocratic upper-class hippies:

Some of the most high-born among the Stones’ new pals would soon take on new lives as caravaners, travelling through the countryside in horse-drawn carts, dressed in hippie-gipsy gear, smoking dope, practising free love in the fields, and attempting to make contact with UFOs, which they believed still followed ancient ley lines - magnetic landing strips, in effect, built into the landscape but lost to centuries of ignorant civilisation.

The youthful Sir Mark Palmer, who had attended Eton and Oxford and served as a page at Queen Elizabeth’s 1953 coronation (his mother was a lady-in-waiting), was the most celebrated of the lot. Although he ran a modelling agency - English Boy Ltd. - from his home in Radnor Walk, Chelsea, he joined up with a posse of itinerant rich folks who eschewed baths and roofs and responsibility for a life of giddy freedom, caravaning about the countryside in a movable commune of like-minded spirits.

Mark Palmer and his friends started different journeys around England. According to Henrietta Moraes, he travelled for four years before settling down and starting a horse farm. By then, Iggy had long left the hippie brigade, for reasons she explained in her typical style:

I’ve done the Hippy commune with the lentils and mantra, bongo bashing, and tuneless flute playing. There were lots of plonk and unspiritual drugs. I just craved the bloodiest steak. I’m not a diabetic!
Sally Miles
Emo's girlfriend Sally Miles (probably).

Sally, Emo, Syd and Iggy

Emo Moore:

I only met Iggy twice. She looked really cute, though. At Syd's during those two weeks. Once with Sally and Syd, and another time with myself and Syd. Syd looked completely somewhere else, and I didn’t get introduced to her. Otherwise, I would’ve spoken to her. Because they were both deadly silent, sitting apart in Syd’s room, I left after ten minutes, both times, I think.

Iggy, deadly silent? Now that’s a weird behaviour for her. Both must have been pretty high that day, silently floating above that bi-coloured floorboard.

Other Mark Palmer & English Boy articles on this blog:
Paint Your Wagon: Iggy movie unearthed! 
A Tale of Two Henriettas 

The Church wishes to thank: Iain Emo Moore, Iggy Rose, Miss Peelpants.
♥ Libby ♥ Iggy ♥

Sources (other than the above-mentioned URLs):
Levy, Shawn: Ready Steady Go!, Broadway Books, New York, 2003, p. 235-237.
Moraes, Henrietta: Henrietta, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1994.